October 3, 2022

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Reimagine Sustainability: Create The Impact You Want To See In Our World

Reimagine Sustainability is about creating the impact we need in our beautiful world. It's not difficult anymore to find information about what's going wrong, but it's still not that easy to find useful and encouraging information about what we can do. Many of us want to become the impact and do something. But what? Where to start? Isn't it already too late? Those are the questions you will find answers to in Reimagine Sustainability. In this article, I want to show you what Reimagine Sustainability is about - its purpose and missions - how it can support and help you on your sustainability journey.
Written by Veronika Tietz

Life is absurd. We are born, go through our youth very quickly and suddenly we have to work for a few decades to enjoy the rest of our time. Sleep, eat, work, repeat. A recurring mantra that not only does not benefit us, but also disconnects us from what we truly need. With Reimagine Sustainability, I want to change the monotony.

Everyone is different and has their rhythm of life. However, from a young age we are forced to fit in and say yes and amen to what is considered to be the norm: going to school, deciding between a training/apprenticeship or a higher education, finding a job, paying the bills and consuming as much as we financially can… because otherwise, the economy will punish us with inflation and rising prices. 

Wait a second. Right now, the economic crisis is continuously revealing its flaws, even though we have constantly played by the rules.

Feeling overwhelmed and helpless is a natural response

Nowadays, helplessness and the feeling of being overwhelmed are pervasive. We are bombarded with news about how the health of our planet is declining, and us along with it. Capitalism can be a functioning system until it destroys what it’s based upon: people and the planet. 

The purpose of this article is not to add to your feelings of helplessness and to overwhelm you. Above all, I want to show you a different perspective on why it is beneficial to Reimagine Sustainability. By launching Reimagine Sustainability I intend to participate in creating a world that is better for all of us. A world where every one of us can find our place, passion and purpose in life now, and not after retirement.



Why I Started My Reimagine Sustainability Blog?


This article shall not point out the deep trouble we’re in and it’s also not about telling you what a bad human you are (because I don’t think you are a bad human… the majority of us have good intentions). With this article, I want to bring you a different perspective on why it might be beneficial to Reimagine Sustainability. To create a space where everyone can find their own place, their own passion or their own purpose in life with the underlying wish: to make our world a better place. 

Reimagine Sustainability is your guide. A friend who supports your sustainable efforts and lifts you a level up

Reimagine Sustainability aims to pick everyone up to join the global movement. Those who are deeply concerned about the state of the world and the challenges we are facing. My Reimagine Sustainability space is also for everyone who is still unaware, and here they will find a safe space to become educated about the issues of our world. No finger-pointing; without being charged. 

The Earth’s situation is serious but I don’t see any value in panicking. Don’t get me wrong, I went through many phases of fear, anger, depression and helplessness about the state of our world. I understand your deep concern and I also know that together we can create the impact we want to see in the world. 

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It doesn’t matter which part of your sustainability journey you are on, I can join you at any point and support you with the information and inspiration you need. A sustainable lifestyle/world is a colossal task if we don’t create the right infrastructure to make it mainstream. But now more than ever sustainability has never been easier to achieve, and I will tell you why.

How can Reimagine Sustainability help you?

Every single one of us is unique. In other words, different experiences, motivations, beliefs, values and passions influence our decisions. You might not have realised it yet, but you’re the most important and valuable resource to create the change you want to see in the world. 

Our diversity on Earth doesn’t stop with plants and animals but it continues with us: our cultures, our inventiveness, our compassion, and our drive to help and create a positive impact. Diversity is the greatest asset we have.

In Reimagine Sustainability, I won’t provide you with ready-cut instructions. My content serves as fertile soil for you to decide what you want to plant. To clarify, I don’t know your reality, struggles, motivators, and what change you want to achieve in the world (yet!). 

Nonetheless, I want to support you to achieve your goals and implement the variety of Sustainability concepts and practices which fit your reality. Because you know best what needs to be done. If you have no clue yet or only have a vague idea, don’t worry because we will find the way together.

Everyone sits in some sort of boat and determines their own pathway

The events in the world do not leave us indifferent, but they can make us feel powerless and insignificant. Above all, it can feel extremely overwhelming to understand where we can create the impact we need to see. Reimagine Sustainability aims to remove your doubts and worries to replace them with the supportive knowledge and mindset to create change. 


The Power of Words: Why We Should Change The Way We Talk About Sustainability


Yes, we are the problem. However, we don’t have to continue this trend. Where shall we start? That is one of the major obstacles to achieving overall Sustainability. The complexity of our world doesn’t make it easier so we don’t do anything because we don’t know where to start or what to do. This is where I use the magic I learned about sustainability: I’m your jump-start to commence your sustainability journey.

Reimagine Sustainability is all about discovering many underutilised opportunities. Many other content creators provide you with valuable information on how to make your lifestyle more sustainable. Likewise, I see a lot of value in developing sustainable habits, but I see the real change we need in system change. 

No worries, I’m not planning to start a modern revolution, but I believe that we need to create everyday infrastructures to support sustainable convenience


Reimagine Sustainability Pinterest

You can design sustainability however you like (it doesn’t have to be green): Reimagine Sustainability Pinterest

Treating the root of the cause will bring essential results

Treating the symptoms won’t get us far. Addressing and solving the symptoms at their root will bring real change for the benefit of all. Therefore, understanding sustainability in all its facets and beauty is fundamental to create system change. 

What could it look like? There are no limits to our ingenuity and inventiveness. Here lies the beauty for us to apply sustainability: Continuously improving and adapting our realities to achieve the best functioning systems with the best outcomes for the benefit of everyone.

Building Reimagine Sustainability and creating content for you brings me a lot of joy. I can see a big shift in the sustainability space, and there are a lot of opportunities for humanity and our planet to solve our many crises and simultaneously create better lives for us and those in the future. Plenty of people have already embarked on the journey to create real magic in the world.



Climate Tech Startups: Nailing It With Diversity

Create An App And Contribute To Sustainable Development

Reimagine Sustainability’s approach to making sustainability more tangible

Reimagine Sustainability. Two powerful words which reflect endless possibilities for healthy growth and development. Sustainability became my passion and I devoted my life to introducing different perspectives to the world. Moreover, I believe that we lack a clear and empowering definition of sustainability. Predominantly, sustainability is defined as using fewer resources and thus saving the future of our future generations. It’s a dull representation of a concept that essentially holds the essence of a good life. 

Enabling the next generations to cover their needs won’t happen by simply glossing over our failing systems. Humanity only has a future if we achieve all-encompassing system change. When we take responsibility for our actions. When we take care of nature so that she can return the favour. Reciprocity is the magic word.



How An Improved Definition Of Sustainability Will Actually Save The World

Reimagining how our world will bring valuable results for action

Let’s have a look at the word ‘reimagine’. To reimagine is an approach that leads to a refreshed and new viewpoint. To form or recreate a new concept of the world within and around us. Additionally, it helps us see an issue in a new light. With a positive outcome in mind, it becomes easier for us to find new and creative ways of doing something. Reimagining enables you to reflect and continuously imagine a better and more fulfilling reality that perfectly meets your needs. 

To reimagine is a beautiful exercise. We all do it, right? Imagine spending more time with our loved ones, imagining our next vacation, imagining our next adventures or imagining what we will have for dinner. In general, we tend to imagine a better life for ourselves. 

Daydreaming is one of my favourite things to do. I’ve always been a daydreamer. It relaxes and enables me to think of all the opportunities to change my life for the better. What are the daydreams you like to return to? How can you put them into reality?

Reimagining is an underestimated competence. Without reimagining what could be, we cannot generate ideas to change deadlocked structures that do not benefit our well-being. I believe that using our imagination can be more powerful than simply putting knowledge into action

You have the choice to make the impact you desire

On a large scale, our efforts might not matter as much. Nonetheless, imagine if our efforts could create change, and you missed the chance to create the change you want to see in our world. Inaction is worse than action which isn’t fruitful on the first try. 

Imagine that you tried to apply a solution a hundred times and it suddenly worked! Every action and decision matters because you matter. You are an important part of the Earth’s systems. Your actions matter and you’re not alone. It is a noble venture to make an impact. To realise that we are the cause of the problems and to change it.

None of us would have chosen the world to be this way. Full of challenges, greed and crises. The majority of people don’t want to cause harm. Unfortunately, our systems were built on exploitation and the destruction of everything that contributes to our and the planet’s well-being. 

Our future opportunities depend on individual as well as collective actions. By changing our inner attitudes we can change the outer reality of our lives. Realising that the economy depends on us and not the other way around, is a strong indicator that we can change our lives for the better if we step up and stop exploitative practices. Life shouldn’t be about meeting your needs by contributing to the leisure and unsustainable life of someone else.

Our well-being shouldn’t depend on the decision-making of those who only care about themselves and filling their own pockets.

I encourage you to reflect on what you truly need to support your well-being. 

Making a difference matters now more than ever. You have a choice. If you need specific information on how to start, you’re more than welcome to contact me.

Sustainability is all we need now and tomorrow, forever.

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Create An App And Contribute To Sustainable Development

Contributing to Sustainability has never been easier. With the world wide web, we have access to almost any resource we need to support a sustainable transition with apps for example. Apps are super convenient because we always have our smartphones with us. It’s also not so complicated anymore to develop an app. There are so many different apps to help us be more sustainable. It doesn’t matter if you want to be more environmentally conscious, eliminate your waste habits, purchase environmentally and socially responsible products, etc. There is an app for everyone. If not, maybe you can develop one in your underserved niche.

Quadruple Helix: We Are All In This Together

The Quadruple Helix model describes necessary collaboration processes between government bodies, industries, academia and citizens. In innovation systems, the public has been widely neglected, thus creating solutions and systems which are not beneficial for the majority. Social responsibility is strongly connected to the Quadruple Helix model and is needed to reinforce the involvement of citizens in research and development processes. Addressing the immediate needs of a society should be at the centre of decision-making for governments as well as businesses. Applying the Quadruple Helix model makes it easier to involve all representatives who need to take part in the decision-making process.

The Meaning Of Sustainability: Gain A Different Perspective [Video]

The Latin script alphabet is the foundation of many spoken languages. Communication is a necessary factor to understand our world better. Consequently, the words we use reflect our knowledge, beliefs and values, thus underestimating the power of words can get us into trouble. To keep us away from trouble, I decided to produce video content to bring different sustainability ideas to you. Video content has a different quality and to create a future worth looking forward to, we need to visualise how it can look like. I want to invite you to join me on the journey towards a sustainable world.

Did The Patagonia Founder Pave A Way To A Sustainable Future?

In our fast-moving world, it is easy to jump from news to news. Unfortunately, it means that we often neglect important information. In that context, I feel like the news about the Patagonia founder was swept under the rug too quickly. Do you remember what happened? Don’t worry if you don’t because I want to bring up this old news again. Non-billionaire Yvon Chouinard decided to give away his company, Patagonia, to tackle the climate crisis. It is a significant decision because perhaps we are dealing with a pioneering act that might shake up the business world. If we don’t let it fall into oblivion.

6 Key Competencies In Sustainability For The 21st Century

Sustainable development requires societal change and societal change starts with us. If we actively decide to evolve and expand our current knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, we have the chance to become the change we want to see in the world. Moreover, we need to take action with respect to real-world sustainability problems. An effective way to make a difference is to learn about the key competencies in sustainability. Those competencies create a nurturing ground where we can build the future we want. Instead of being a passive citizen, you can become engaged and empowered. Sometimes this can be as easy as expanding your competencies.

Green Pressure: The Global Sustainability Trends To Follow In 2022

Trends come and go. But Sustainability trends will have a lasting impact on our societies and the planet. Finding new ways of meeting basic human needs is a prevalent red thread. Citizens become increasingly more aware of bad practices which result in pollution, global warming, biodiversity loss, social injustice etc. Governments as well as industries are experiencing waves of pressure from citizens who are fed up with bad leadership. We all have our contributions to make and luckily, a lot of awesome global citizens have figured out different solutions to tackle humanity’s most pressing challenges. The following Sustainability trends will give you an idea in which direction we are heading. You’re more than welcome to join us!

Eco-Friendly Christmas Gifts For 2022: Splendid For Your Loved Ones And The Planet

During the Christmas season, our waste footprint can double. Christmas trees, food, toys, electronics, wrapping paper and ribbon bands contribute to joy under the Christmas tree, but they take an immense environmental toll. It comes as no surprise that increasingly eco-conscious people prefer to bypass the Christmas waste madness for the environment. That is why the question arises, are there any eco-friendly Christmas presents? Yes, and they do not cost the world. Although a more sustainable Christmas focuses on spending time with our loved ones, we can use the Christmas season to rethink how eco-friendly gifts can bring joy – to the people we love and the planet.

Triple Bottom Line: The Foundation Of Sustainable Action And Performance

The Triple Bottom Line is a famous framework that incorporates three dimensions for sustainable decision-making: social, environmental and economic. It’s mostly used to measure sustainable business performance, but it can be applied anytime a decision has to be made. For too long has the economic dimension been at the centre of attention leading to exploitation of the social and environmental dimensions. The Triple Bottom Line encourages us to look beyond the traditional bottom line of business profit and make decisions that are socially and environmentally responsible. Sustainable development can only happen if we find the right balance between the three dimensions which benefit all of us.

Can The Tragedy Of The Commons Be Solved With Economic Degrowth?

Change is inevitable. What should we do when a number of people cling to a system that is harmful but the norm? Economic degrowth is mocked by the corporate world and governments. Although it seems irrational to continue an economic system that is based on exploitation and destruction, there is little openness to rethink our global economies. Does a remedy exist? Imagine what a future that favours prosperity and sustainable development could look like. I have difficulty imagining a sustainable global economy. Let me introduce you to degrowth and the tragedy of the commons. Two concepts not paired before!

From Hardie To Softie: 7 Soft Skills Which Will Change The World For Good

Soft skills are a resourceful set of traits to contribute to social sustainability. For too long, the positive effects of soft skills have been neglected, but now is the time to shine. The mix of social skills can tremendously contribute to a better sustainable transformation of our lives and well-being. Soft skills aren’t all about better work performance and ethics. We need to shift our focus away from keeping only our economies going, but keeping ourselves alive; emotionally and physically. Developing your soft skills abilities will bring you one step closer to dealing with the world’s challenges.


  1. Carolyn M

    I look forward to your sharing how each of us can make a difference.

    • Veronika

      That’s a very important comment you made. Reimagine Sustainability is about providing you with the information to utilise to create your own pathway. There is no one size fits all solution. If there was one, we wouldn’t have any problems. For now, I recommend you to read From A Carbon Tunnel Vision To A Holistic Collaboration Approach to find your sustainability niche

  2. Jeanine

    This is such a thought provoking read, as my wise grand mother used to say it only takes one pebble in a pond to make a ripple…we all have ways that we can contribute and as you say it’s not a one size fits all… thank you for sharing this

    • Veronika

      You’re more than welcome. Your grandmother was a wise woman and I truly believe that the power to change the world lies within us.

  3. Lynn McCarty

    I see a lot of things that have been on my own mind. This world is getting harder to survive because none of was built sustainably! I subscribed to your mailing list and followed you on Pinterest.

    • Pamela

      This is a provoking read. Sustainability is a crucial issue. We should find a way to do better.

  4. Shar

    Sustainability is a crucial issue. For too long have humans abused it. We should all learn and do better!


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