November 28, 2022

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Benefits Of Embracing Sustainability With Music

Music makes the world go round. It is a vital part of our everyday lives, brings joy and helps us feel better. Moreover, music has the incredible power to affect our mood, change our outlook on life and inspire us to make a difference. You might have heard the phrase ‘Music can change the world', so let us use music to find our motivation and change the world with our favourite tunes. I want to show you what this can look like with one of my motivational songs, which helps me to refocus and continue believing: I can do that!
Written by Veronika Tietz

It is a lot easier to get discouraged than to take action. Every day, we get flooded with news about the terrible state of the world – yes, it does not look rosy. Does it even make a difference to do something? A lot is going wrong, but most of it is outside my control. How can a person like me do something about the state of the world? Achieving sustainability with music, is it possible?

What those thought patterns have in common is that a tiny bit of hope is hidden in them. Hope needs to be elicited and start growing. I was – and sometimes still am – one of those who think I cannot make a difference. Thinking this way is easier, but a lot more terrifying because our future looks grim when we do nothing. Not taking action is the new salt – it affects our health.  


Climate Anxiety First Aid Kit: Do Not Let Climate Panic Become The Norm

We need to take things seriously, without a doubt, but the omnipresent negative climate jargon does not help to give me the sense that I can contribute to a future that is not terrifying. I truly believe that the overall disengagement comes from the lack of engaging communication – and motivation. 

The benefits of music – for you and the world

You might wonder: So what? Facts are facts. Yes, but facts do not change people’s minds –> stories do. One of those mediums for stories is music. Sustainability with music… sounds already better, right?

Storytelling is an increasingly recognised way of understanding our role in the world. It can bring us the motivation we need to keep going despite the flood of chaos around us. In particular, music is an excellent way to improve your cognitive and emotional well-being plus achieving sustainability with music is more motivating.

According to the AARP survey ‘Music Nourishes and Delights’, music helps

  • increase your mental well-being
  • reduces levels of anxiety and depression
  • support your brain health
  • you to learn quicker
  • you to be happier


Music helps me to let off some steam. When I feel stuck and unsure about what I am doing with my blog, I found one remedy from my youth: Rock music. When I feel like I am losing confidence working in the sustainability space, there is one particular song that gets me back on my feet: Deine Schuld from Die Ärzte.

Achieving sustainability with music – one song at a time

Released on the 12th of July 2044, Deine Schuld translates to Your Fault. Die Ärzte are a German punk-rock band called. I know it might not be the most encouraging title, but let me tell you that it put things into perspective for me to make change happen (for me and hopefully for you too):


Did you get angry again today, was it horrible again?

Did you ask yourself again, why no-one is doing anything?

You don’t have to accept, what simply doesn’t suit you at all

When your head isn’t just for wearing a hat


It is not your fault, that the world is the way it is

It will only be your fault if she stays like this


Don’t believe anyone who says to you that you can’t change anything

Those who claim this are just afraid of change

It is the same ones who say that it’s fine the way it is

And if you want to change anything, you are automatically a terrorist. 


It is not your fault, that the world is the way it is

It will only be your fault if she stays like this

Because everyone who doesn’t want to change the world, signs her death sentence.


“Let us talk, because in our beautiful land

everyone is at least theoretically terribly tolerant

Words don’t want to move anything, words don’t hurt anyone

Therefore let us talk about it. Discussions are OK.”


No – go back on the streets again, go demonstrating again

‘Cause those who don’t try to fight anymore – can only lose

Those who mess with you, you chose them yourself

Therefore let them hear your voice, because every voice counts.


It is not your fault, that the world is the way it is

It will only be your fault if she stays like this



What inspires me about this song is that it puts responsibility into my hands. If I do not want the world to be the way it is, I have to take action. Additionally, the song takes away the doubt if my actions make any sense. It is important to stop making bad decision-makers that ruin our livelihoods.

Our actions matter to set the equitable tune in our world

Our voices matter, we all matter. I think we live in an age where we can not afford inaction any longer. The urgency is real. Oftentimes, our fears should not matter more than our desires. The desire for a livable future is worth fighting for. 

Another inspiring song is ‘Land of Confusion’ by Genesis (Disturbed has also a good cover of this song). 

Moreover, artists have the talent to put societal challenges into empowering songs. Music connects and inspires action. It is easier to save the world on a tune than on empty promises. 

What are your inspirational songs which inspire you to action? Do you have any favourite songs which support sustainability with music? I hope you are going to share them with us in the comments below!

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The Rs Of Sustainability: The Most Effective Way To Apply Them

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Create An App And Contribute To Sustainable Development

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Sustainability Mindset For Leaders: Inspiration For Implementing Sustainable Business Practices

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Sustainable Finance Action Plan: Doing More Good With Your Money

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How An Improved Definition Of Sustainability Will Actually Save The World

Sustainability is minimised to dealing responsibly with our resources for our and our future generations (plants, animals and resources included). It is more than simply ticking the boxes. It’s about finding the right balance between social, environmental and economic Sustainability. The latter is not even crucial for our existence, but we give most of our attention to economic development. More importantly, we need to switch the focus on ecological and human health and vitality. Profit can only exist with people and the planet. So let’s change our understanding of Sustainability to create a world that suits us all and not an economic model.

Breaking Boundaries: Reimagining Sustainability For A Thriving Future

Discover the wisdom of nature: resilience in the face of challenges, interconnectedness that binds us all, efficient resource utilisation, adaptability to thrive, and regeneration for a sustainable future. Let nature’s lessons inspire you. You can reimagine a future that draws from the timeless wisdom of nature, forging a path towards sustainable transformation. Unlock your transformative power of nature’s wisdom and embark on a journey towards a thriving and resilient planet. That is all we need: a planet that has the capability to regenerate itself and the ability to flourish in difficult situations. It is that simple.

Right Here Right Now: Add This Inspiring Book To Your Sustainability Book List

In this day and age, we need influential and meaningful calls to action. With her second book ‘Right Here Right Now’, Natalie Isaacs shares her and the wisdom of other women in fighting the climate crisis. She is the founder of the global climate action movement 1 Million Women. By introducing you to her book, I hope that it will be as inspiring to you as it was to me. Even better, I attended her book launch event in Brisbane. Hence, I want to share my impressions with you. So, let’s find your potential to lead the way to solve our societal challenges.

The 10 Most Pressing Sustainability Challenges Of The 21st Century

Environmental, social and economic sustainability challenges are more diverse than we are aware of. We can not simply focus on one challenge (climate crisis). Instead, we need to address all the various challenges of the 21st century if humanity wants to experience the 22nd century. Our future depends on the actions we take today. Long-term sustainability goals will help us to create a livable future. Nonetheless, it is not wrong to be aware of what the hurdles actually are. Therefore, I collected the 10 most pressing challenges of the 21st century to give an overview of where urgent action is needed.

Climate Tech Startups: Nailing It With Diversity

All around the world, startups are emerging to tackle the climate crisis. Startups have all what it takes to minimise the consequences and impacts of global warming. Brilliant minds, create brilliant solutions spot on. That’s what the world needs: solutions which are spot on, taking the system they operate in into account. In Brisbane, Australia, more than 30 startups pitched their ideas to potential investors and collaborators. I attended this event and in this post, you will learn about those startups and their unique solutions: to inspire you and to take action for a better world. Together we can achieve it!

1 Comment

  1. Jeanine

    What a thought provoking ‘powerful song’, and I LOVE the message within.
    I know not all feel like I do, but the voice is growing and this is good…


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