November 23, 2022

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Climate Anxiety First Aid Kit: Do Not Let Climate Panic Become The Norm

Climate anxiety is a relatively new phenomenon. It occurs when people increasingly see, hear or read bad news about environmental impacts in connection with the climate crisis. Consequently, people are scared of the consequences that make the future look grim. Negative emotions like distress, anger and hopelessness contribute to a spiral of worries that might have a bigger impact on their life than the effects of the climate crisis. Luckily, there are different and simple ways to deal with climate anxiety. No one has to suffer in silence, but it means taking action and taking matters into our hands.
Written by Veronika Tietz

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, the content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.


Climate anxiety is on the rise. It is not surprising because the news and social media flood us with the information that the target of keeping global temperature levels below 1.5 degrees is not realistic any longer. Around the world, people are already affected by climate-related impacts like unusual heavy rainfall, rising sea levels, droughts etc.

Living with climate anxiety is the new normal.

The media and inaction of governments and heavily polluting industries constantly remind us that we are on a trajectory of downfall – socially, environmentally and economically. Instead of looking forward to a bright future, we assume that the end of the world we know is near. But is it really true? What is climate anxiety? Is there anything we can do about it? 



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In this article, I explain what climate anxiety is and how you can get hold of it with easy-to-implement actions. The important thing first: You do not have to suffer in silence or alone.

What is climate anxiety?

Climate anxiety, also known as eco-anxiety or solastalgia, is a scientific explanation that defines the distress we feel related to our worries about the current and future effects of the climate crisis. Fear of environmental collapse is the primary cause of climate anxiety. Nonetheless, climate anxiety does not classify as a mental illness. According to this study, climate anxiety is a real issue that affects mostly children and young people. More than 59% of children and young people were very or extremely worried about their future. 

Climate anxiety is rooted in the uncertainty about the future and the consequences of decades of poor leadership, environmental destruction and exploitation. Feelings associated with climate anxiety are frustration, anger, guilt and shame. Increasingly, people share on social media how climate anxiety affects their mood, behaviour and thinking of overwhelmedness and hopelessness. Some even report panic attacks as symptoms of climate anxiety due to fatalistic thinking patterns.

If you identify feelings of emotional distress due to the climate crisis, you should not underestimate them. Existential worries and fears fueled by natural disasters, forced migration, food insecurity, the rising cost of living and the rapid decline of mental health are legit. It also does not help that there is still a vast prevalence of climate denial and inaction in the media, from industries and governments. 

I am one of those people with eco-anxiety. I am worried about the state of the world. There are days when those worries feel like a big block of cement on my chest. It is not easy, but there are ways to deal with those existential fears.

Let us continue with identifying typical thought patterns of climate anxiety.

Typical thought patterns which indicate climate anxiety


“It is too late and we do too little for any change. We cannot reach our global climate goals”

“The collapse is near and there is nothing I can do about it.”

“I feel overwhelmed by all that catastrophic news, not only about the climate crisis.”

“I start to wonder why to bother any longer.”

“Our governments are failing us and I lost all hope.”


All those thoughts are valid, but it is up to us to decide to what extent these thoughts influence us. Feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, pessimistic or distressed in times of immense uncertainty is a natural reaction. That’s about it: It is a reaction. As terrifying as the projections for our future sound, we still have the choice of how we deal with it. 

Before I introduce you to the Climate Anxiety First Aid Kit, I would like to anticipate one thing: Your action is required. Although the future seems terrifying, there is only one remedy: your daily actions. 

The world’s crises are human-made – not scientific or technical – problems. Therefore, humans are the solution providers. Even better, it does not have to be complicated or overwhelming. I will show you why.

The Climate Anxiety First Aid Kit

What can you do about your climate anxiety? There are things that are in or out of our control zone. I wrote a whole article about it and I recommend you to read it:

Focus Here

7 Powerful Ways To Focus On What Is In Your Control


Here are the simple tricks to calm your nerves during a climate anxiety episode:


Reflect on the position you are in. Do you have access to clean water and food? Do you have a roof over your head? You might know Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The basis of the pyramid reflects the physiological needs like air, water, food, shelter, sleep and clothing. The second level refers to the criteria of safety needs like personal security, employment, resources and health.

This tip is not about telling you how well-off you are. Instead, I want to highlight that you have access to undervalued resources. Our issues are dealing with uncertainty, but there are three things in life that apply to all of us: pain, uncertainty and constant work (from the Netflix movie Stutz directed by Jonah Hill). 

Change can only happen if we shift our mindsets, our outlook on life. It includes looking after everyone who is not in a privileged position.


Those who contribute least to climate change may be impacted most – including Indigenous peoples, refugees, people living in poverty, the unemployed, the homeless, the alienated, the very young and the very old.

Doctors for the Environment Australia


I know it is a big task, but where there’s a will there’s a way. It can seem like an isolating task. The opposite is the case which I want to show you in the next piece of advice.


Share your feelings. This is my favourite first-aid solution because it is so simple. We are not alone in this misery, you are not alone. Do not suffer in silence and share your worries with your loved ones.

If you do not feel like you have a safe space to share your worries, you are more than welcome to share them with me. Write to me here or write an email to (Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, this option is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.)

Sharing your feelings helps release dreary emotions. Therefore, feeling like you are not alone with your worries can be liberating. Another option is to share your worries with like-minded people via groups like the Climate Anxiety Support Groups on Facebook. There are many more groups out there, but I recommend you look for groups in your area.


Avoid news. It is a straightforward suggestion. I’m avoiding the news because it does not help me to achieve my desired impact. What we see on the news and social media is only a tiny fraction of what is happening around the world. Unfortunately, we see few success stories because we are all waiting for a breakthrough. 

What I am going to share with you can be far-fetched and I welcome an appropriate discussion: I do not believe in a breakthrough technology that will solve our climate-related problems. Instead, I believe that if we put the needs of our Earth first, we create the change we need. Our needs depend on well-functioning ecosystems and learning to live within the planetary boundaries is a step we should make together.


Last but not least…


Action, action, action. There is just as much as we can do to make an impact. You are probably aware of the butterfly effect, a small change can impact a complex system. Now imagine: Millions of butterflies taking small actions – a colourful future can lie ahead of us. Prioritise what works instead of what does not. The beautiful thing about sustainability is that it is an eternal process. The Earth is constantly evolving, and so are we. A one size fits all solution does not exist. Therefore, all of us can have a say in creating a livable future.


Action from essential people – yes, you are one of them – will lead towards a future worth looking forward to. Does it sound too utopian? I do not know about you, but I feel more engaged to work towards a utopian future rather than an average one. The best thing is: we all have a place in the future, thus it is all our responsibility to create the best future we can.

Climate Anxiety First Aid Kit

Say goodbye to climate anxiety and hello to a future worth living for

What gets on my nerves is the repetitive narrative of how bad we are bad humans. All of us were born into a dysfunctioning world. Consequently, it is a lot of work to straighten that out again. Nevertheless, see it as an opportunity to become part of transforming our world. To make a difference and to really make our world the most liveable place in space. Because she is all we have.

We cannot create anything if we do not believe it is possible. It is as simple as that. Instead of continuing to dwell on the worst-case scenario, how about, we think about the best-case scenarios? We want to be healthy, be loved, be happy, and live with our loved ones without fear. 

Bright Future Ahead

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How unimaginable is it to fix humanity! What if all the kind, nice, beautiful and loving people come together and put an end to all disasters? Again, I am aware that it sounds impossible – but hey, I also need to get my motivation from somewhere: Reimagining our world.

Before you continue spending your time on the World Wide Web, I hope you found a spark of hope. Imagine your future – a future you can look forward to. What does it look like? What does your everyday life look like? Who is part of it? 

How does your future look like that is worth fighting for?

Sharing is Caring

Create An App And Contribute To Sustainable Development

Contributing to Sustainability has never been easier. With the world wide web, we have access to almost any resource we need to support a sustainable transition with apps for example. Apps are super convenient because we always have our smartphones with us. It’s also not so complicated anymore to develop an app. There are so many different apps to help us be more sustainable. It doesn’t matter if you want to be more environmentally conscious, eliminate your waste habits, purchase environmentally and socially responsible products, etc. There is an app for everyone. If not, maybe you can develop one in your underserved niche.

From A Carbon Tunnel Vision To A Holistic Collaboration Approach

Sustainable development has a very carbon-heavy taste to it. It has already been recognised that we need to move beyond the carbon-only approaches; to achieve effective, sustainable outcomes. What we experience globally is a Carbon Tunnel Vision. It’s a clever play on words to highlight our selective attention on mostly Net-Zero Goals. The Carbon Tunnel Vision framework aims to open our eyes to other human and natural crises. Global warming is only one part of the interconnected crises. Let’s not get trapped and miss our chances to fight our challenges effectively. I want to show you how easy this can be by taking a more holistic and collaborative approach.

Repurposing Urban Spaces To Finally Make Them Liveable And Enjoyable

Over half of the world’s human population lives in cities. It’s expected that by 2050 68% of people will live in urban areas. Urban spaces matter tremendously in the light of sustainable development. There are many challenges to make cities more sustainable, but in this article I want to focus on the opportunities. I discovered that designing urban spaces to be more sustainable can be a very fun experience. Repurposing spaces fuelled my imagination. Therefore, instead of only one example you will get two which show how easy it is to make an underutilised space more livable and enjoyable.

12 Short And Inspirational Sustainability Affirmations For A Positive Mindset

Sustainability affirmations help you find your role in the world. You become more mindful of what you need to do to help make sustainability the norm and dismantle unsustainable practices. Actions are crucial, but sometimes all you need is a different perspective to understand what the future holds for you. A sustainable lifestyle has a lot to offer and can contribute to your overall well-being. That is sometimes all you need – feeling good. A game changer is to understand your potential and how your well-being connects to the natural environment and the decisions you make along the way.

The Meaning Of Sustainability: Gain A Different Perspective [Video]

The Latin script alphabet is the foundation of many spoken languages. Communication is a necessary factor to understand our world better. Consequently, the words we use reflect our knowledge, beliefs and values, thus underestimating the power of words can get us into trouble. To keep us away from trouble, I decided to produce video content to bring different sustainability ideas to you. Video content has a different quality and to create a future worth looking forward to, we need to visualise how it can look like. I want to invite you to join me on the journey towards a sustainable world.

The 10 Most Pressing Sustainability Challenges Of The 21st Century

Environmental, social and economic sustainability challenges are more diverse than we are aware of. We can not simply focus on one challenge (climate crisis). Instead, we need to address all the various challenges of the 21st century if humanity wants to experience the 22nd century. Our future depends on the actions we take today. Long-term sustainability goals will help us to create a livable future. Nonetheless, it is not wrong to be aware of what the hurdles actually are. Therefore, I collected the 10 most pressing challenges of the 21st century to give an overview of where urgent action is needed.

10 Simple Reasons Why It’s Not Too Late For Sustainability

It’s not easy being a human in a world which seems to crumble around us. Finding encouraging and helpful support to tackle our world’s crisis is not easy. Many already say that we can’t achieve Sustainability anymore. What nonsense! In this article, I want to show you 10 simple reasons why we can still achieve Sustainability. Even better, it won’t be as difficult as you might think. Our world is complex, but not everything needs to be hypercomplex. Sometimes the simple things in life will bring us where we should be. Curious? You’re more than welcome to continue reading.

From Hardie To Softie: 7 Soft Skills Which Will Change The World For Good

Soft skills are a resourceful set of traits to contribute to social sustainability. For too long, the positive effects of soft skills have been neglected, but now is the time to shine. The mix of social skills can tremendously contribute to a better sustainable transformation of our lives and well-being. Soft skills aren’t all about better work performance and ethics. We need to shift our focus away from keeping only our economies going, but keeping ourselves alive; emotionally and physically. Developing your soft skills abilities will bring you one step closer to dealing with the world’s challenges.

Fostering Ecoliteracy: The Love That Keeps On Giving

Ecoliteracy is a widely unknown term. In view of the environmental challenges we are already experiencing, ecoliteracy needs to become the forefront of educational strategies. Our existence is bound to well-functioning natural systems. It is not only about our existence, it is also about our way of life. I find it heartbreaking how our natural world suffers because of the societal systems we call the norm. Although it might sound too spiritual to some, societies need to reconnect with the natural environment. Developing a sustainability mindset is the solution to understanding your role in the natural world.

What Does It Take To Become A Sustainable Leader

A lot of pressure weighs on the shoulders of sustainable leaders. In a complex and confusing world where policies, public pressure and business prosperity are demanding sustainable transformation – it can become an unbearable task for leaders. It does not help that sustainability is already an inconsistently discussed topic – plus staying on top of trends in an ever-changing world is energy-draining. How to cope with all those challenges as a sustainable leader? Principles of sustainable leadership guide the way for leaders who want to do more good and bring their businesses on track in their sustainability journey. Let the change begin!


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