December 13, 2022

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Do Your Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions Pass The Test? Find Out More…

Following through with New Year's resolutions is a rewarding feeling. When we stick to accomplishing the changes we want to see in our lives, we feel empowered, happy and invincible. Imagine we could use this power to make our world a better place. It is possible, but we need to do some pre-work that will bring us on the right path to greatness. Too often, we put a spoke in our wheel. It is not only bad for our self-esteem, but also for our planet which is in urgent need of sustainable action. Let's prevent our resolutions from dissolving into hot air!
Written by Veronika Tietz

New Year, More Sustainability. It will probably become my motto for commencing 2022 and starting into 2023. New Year resolutions help to wrap up the old year and are an opportunity to reimagine what the New Year shall hold for you. Although there is the stigma of years of unfulfilled resolutions, there is some room left for your imagination – a future worth looking forward to with sustainable New Year’s resolutions.

One of the main problems with general New Year’s resolutions is that most goals are unattainable, not well prepared or do not reflect what is best for us. Nonetheless, wishing for a better next year is valid, but we need a different strategy to really make the best out of the new year.

Well, what does this other strategy look like? Before embarking on your journey into the new year, reflect on the year 2022 you will leave behind. Reflection of what was is an invaluable strategy to lay down the foundation to start the New Year with a bang – 2023 looking forward to.

Reflection is about prioritising what is important to you. Uniquely, you decide about the course of your New Year and your decisions matter. You can decide to orient your life towards a goal like living sustainably – but the first and foremost change starts with you and your mindset.

New Year Sustainability

Reflect on the past  – Was 2022 Yay or Nay?

Your sustainable New Year resolutions start with reflecting on 2022. You can also add 2021 into the equation though it might not be the best year to reflect upon as it was out of the ordinary. 

First of all, do not be harsh on yourself. This end-of-year reflection is not about pointing out your ‘flaws’ and ‘failures’. 

This exercise shall help you identify the areas that need attention and gain clarity on which steps you can take to make 2023 worth looking forward to.

Let us start with your 2022 resolutions.

  • What were your resolutions for 2022?
  • What inspired you to choose your resolution(s)?
  • Could you accomplish your resolutions?
  • If yes, what helped you to stick to your resolution(s)?
    • What helped you in achieving your resolution(s)?
    • Is there anything you would have done differently?
    • Please, share your awesomeness with us in the comments 😉
  • If no
    • How long have you been able to keep up with your resolution(s)?
    • What happened that you did not continue pursuing your resolution(s)?
    • What did you need to keep pursuing your resolution(s)?


Gaining clarity on what went well and what did not go so well is important to understand yourself. While reflecting on your past, you get a better understanding of your core values, passions and strengths. Sometimes it is not about the inability to stick to resolutions. In most cases, we follow strategies that do not work well for us.

Starting a year with too ambitious resolutions is prone to failure. Therefore, you need to put some effort into reflecting on what worked well and what did not work well for you in 2022. Anticipation can be the greatest joy. Hence, you can derive action steps you can look forward to putting into practice.

What was yay in 2022? Lay the foundation for your sustainable New Year’s resolutions

Too often, we get caught up in what is not going well. For a positive mindset, let us focus on what did go well for you in your 2022 journey. Remembering the good memories from 2022 will swing you in the right mood to imagine how to create more good memories in 2023. 

Here are some questions to reflect positively on 2022:

  • What is my best moment?
  • What did I accomplish? Which accomplishment was I most proud of?
  • What did I do that was the most fun?
  • What have I learned from 2022?
  • What miracle would I like to happen this year?
  • How did I take care of myself this year?


For a moment, appreciate where you are now. The last few years might have been tough for you. In fact, we underestimate the impact of the past because our lives are so busy or overwhelming.

Therefore, appreciate where you are right now. Although you might think you are not the best version of yourself, recognise that you are continuously growing. There is no perfect endstate. You have personally grown a lot in the last few years. You are not the same person you were a few months ago. Remember, you will not be the same person in 2023. 

Focus on what matters to you. What brings you joy? What brings you a tingly feeling of excitement? What is so simple that you cannot live without? What do you need to do to make 2023 worth looking forward to?


7 Powerful Ways To Focus On What Is In Your Control


How does sustainability fit into this?

I do not want to be the party pooper, but what we just went through is the sustainable part. It might sound airy-fairy: You are part of a sustainable system, but possibly on a junction that eventually leads to sustainability. Sustainability starts with you – a human with needs, desires, hopes, dreams and the will to create a better future. 

We cannot be sustainable if we are not in the right headspace to do so. Sustainability is now about answering the question: Who are we as human beings? What needs to change to feel human again?

A sustainable world needs people like you and me who figured out what we want to contribute to make our world a better place. People who have figured out their role to create a future worth looking forward to.

Many social systems push us into roles we do not identify with and take away the possibility to find out what we truly have to do to make our world more sustainable. We are pushed into patterns of consumerism, hustling, unhealthy behaviours, anti-social behaviours and so on while exploiting and deteriorating our well-being and destroying the only livelihood that really matters: our Earth.

It is not a dream life if it is a nightmare to maintain it. 

Hence, it is not worth living at the cost of the planet. Surely, you and I wish there was an easy way out. The best we can do – at the moment – is to unlearn unsustainable lifestyle patterns. In other words, use your sustainable New Year’s resolutions to become the change you want to see in the world.

Ditch those End-Of-Year worksheets, get out your Vision Board

Yes! Not everything needs to become a workload. You already have enough work. Let us embrace 2023 with a banger!

How to rename your sustainable New Year’s resolutions 2023


  • Exploring the opportunities of 2023
  • End-of-Year Adventure List
  • Inspirational Action-Steps
  • My Happy-Focus List
  • The Big Sustainable Picture of 2023


And my personal favourite: 2023, a future worth looking forward to!

If you have more inspirational names for your green and sustainable New Year’s resolutions, let us know in the comments below!

Let me introduce you to this beauty: My 2023 Vision Board Planner. The link will bring you to my ReSustainability Etsy shop.

The My 2023 Vision Board Planner contains
– 9 Life Areas of focus to choose from
– Plenty of space for reflections on 2022 and 2023
– Mindset tasks to bring you on the right track to make 2023 count
– Individual tasks for every life area for you to dive into
– Lots of love and compassion!

2023 Vision Board

Making 2023 worth looking forward to

Let us talk about the future! 

For your sustainable New Year’s resolutions, I prepared another set of questions on what you can focus on to start creating 2023 worth looking forward to:


  • What would you try if you knew you could not fail?
  • What goal(s) do you want to accomplish?
  • What holds you back from accomplishing your goal(s)?
  • What could you do differently?
  • What new skills could you learn to achieve your goal(s)?
  • What do you want the new year to hold for you?
  • What would you like to stop doing next year?


My last question: How does it make you feel answering those questions?

Your feelings indicate if you are on a good pathway or not. If you feel overwhelmed, remember that goals are simply goals. Therefore, avoid putting another workload into your schedule and reimagine your resolution(s).

Your resolution(s) is a step forward. It can be tiny little steps, big jumps or something in between. You do you!

Use your reflections to create a plan worth putting into practice. Many New Year’s resolution advice points out to learn from your mistakes. Unfortunately, it draws the focus on what did not go so well. How about you focus on what went well and start developing from there? 

Focus Here

Mistakes are a part of life, but we decide how much meaning we put into them. Instead, look at what went well in 2022. Remember the moments you felt at peace. When you felt like you could conquer the world. Those feelings make us move mountains. They can be rare, but sometimes they are all we need to make the decisions that are better in any regard.

Life is not about lessons, it is about the experience you gain along your journey

Slow and steady wins the race. The good thing is: There are many races you can participate in. Thus, taking matters slowly will not make you run out of time, it will increase the percentage of a valuable lifetime. That is something to look forward to, right? Celebrate your tiny or big accomplishments – alone or with your loved ones. 

In fact, you are your worst critics. Probably, you would never be as harsh with your advice to others as you are towards yourselves. You deserve the same love you give others. 

You might feel like something is missing, and it indeed is. Now that you laid the mental foundation, you need some inspiration for actionable steps which can make 2023 a future worth looking forward to.

You reimagine your pathway, your decisions matter. It is about prioritising what is important to you. Even better, set up some eco-friendly resolutions as they benefit you and the planet.


ABC Of Sustainability: The Vital Role Of Words To Change The World

One step you can take right now which is as easy as falling off a log is to subscribe to the Reimagine Sustainability Newsletter. You will receive weekly inspirations on how to live more sustainably, become the impact you want to see in the world AND create a future worth looking forward to:

Sustainability Wordlist

Shall we move to the action section of new year sustainability? 1… 2… 3… Go! –> Related Article: Coming Soon (more specifically on the 19th of December) 😉

Sharing is Caring

Why Sustainability Is Not Outdated Or Boring

We still try to define Sustainability and answer the “Why” although we are already in the tornado. It’s difficult to stay engaged or figure out our role in this chaoes of misinterpretation and misinformation. Wouldn’t it be easier if we agreed on asking only “How?” questions? How are we going to solve the climate crisis? How are we going to stop biodiversity loss? How are we going to change our exploitative economy? How can each of us find our purpose? I think we can do it! But firstly, let’s clarify that Sustainability is far from being outdated.

6 Key Competencies In Sustainability For The 21st Century

Sustainable development requires societal change and societal change starts with us. If we actively decide to evolve and expand our current knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, we have the chance to become the change we want to see in the world. Moreover, we need to take action with respect to real-world sustainability problems. An effective way to make a difference is to learn about the key competencies in sustainability. Those competencies create a nurturing ground where we can build the future we want. Instead of being a passive citizen, you can become engaged and empowered. Sometimes this can be as easy as expanding your competencies.

Green Pressure: The Global Sustainability Trends To Follow In 2022

Trends come and go. But Sustainability trends will have a lasting impact on our societies and the planet. Finding new ways of meeting basic human needs is a prevalent red thread. Citizens become increasingly more aware of bad practices which result in pollution, global warming, biodiversity loss, social injustice etc. Governments as well as industries are experiencing waves of pressure from citizens who are fed up with bad leadership. We all have our contributions to make and luckily, a lot of awesome global citizens have figured out different solutions to tackle humanity’s most pressing challenges. The following Sustainability trends will give you an idea in which direction we are heading. You’re more than welcome to join us!

How An Improved Definition Of Sustainability Will Actually Save The World

Sustainability is minimised to dealing responsibly with our resources for our and our future generations (plants, animals and resources included). It is more than simply ticking the boxes. It’s about finding the right balance between social, environmental and economic Sustainability. The latter is not even crucial for our existence, but we give most of our attention to economic development. More importantly, we need to switch the focus on ecological and human health and vitality. Profit can only exist with people and the planet. So let’s change our understanding of Sustainability to create a world that suits us all and not an economic model.

A Sustainable 2023 Starts With You! Create A Future To Look Forward To

Are you looking forward to 2023? I hope so. Now more than ever, we need encouraged and motivated people to make a difference. To contribute to our planet – the paradise which sustains our lives. Although there are many ways to be sustainable, we overlook one: how you can make a meaningful impact. I do not mean recycling or going zero waste. What I mean is who you are as a person. How do you fit in with your uniqueness and strengths? Sustainability has all opportunities open for you. What matters is if you are willing to discover them.

Quadruple Helix: We Are All In This Together

The Quadruple Helix model describes necessary collaboration processes between government bodies, industries, academia and citizens. In innovation systems, the public has been widely neglected, thus creating solutions and systems which are not beneficial for the majority. Social responsibility is strongly connected to the Quadruple Helix model and is needed to reinforce the involvement of citizens in research and development processes. Addressing the immediate needs of a society should be at the centre of decision-making for governments as well as businesses. Applying the Quadruple Helix model makes it easier to involve all representatives who need to take part in the decision-making process.

Challenging Your Assumptions And Beliefs: 7 Effective Approaches

Nowadays, valid proof is more important than anything. It’s tough to avoid polarising messages as they seem to creep around every corner. Therefore, it’s essential to look at how you perceive the world. From questioning your thinking patterns to considering other people’s perspectives, there are many ways to challenge your assumptions. Those skills help you understand the world a little better and find the reasoning in a conflict-centred world. It’s not easy, but definitely worth your time to deal with how you perceive the world. I want to show you an easy shortcut you can apply every day. Enjoy!

Did The Patagonia Founder Pave A Way To A Sustainable Future?

In our fast-moving world, it is easy to jump from news to news. Unfortunately, it means that we often neglect important information. In that context, I feel like the news about the Patagonia founder was swept under the rug too quickly. Do you remember what happened? Don’t worry if you don’t because I want to bring up this old news again. Non-billionaire Yvon Chouinard decided to give away his company, Patagonia, to tackle the climate crisis. It is a significant decision because perhaps we are dealing with a pioneering act that might shake up the business world. If we don’t let it fall into oblivion.

Practice Acknowledgement Of Country Beyond Australia: Global Significance

Practising Acknowledgement of Country is a powerful way to honour Indigenous cultures and recognise the custodianship of the land. This global practice extends beyond borders, fostering cultural respect, environmental stewardship, and social justice. From Australia to Canada, New Zealand to the United States, countries worldwide are embracing this practice to acknowledge the traditional owners and elders. By actively engaging in this practice, we contribute to a global movement that promotes reconciliation, fosters cross-cultural understanding, and strengthens our commitment to preserving Indigenous wisdom and sustainable practices. Let us explore the global significance of Acknowledgement of Country and inspire a more inclusive and culturally aware world.

Can The Tragedy Of The Commons Be Solved With Economic Degrowth?

Change is inevitable. What should we do when a number of people cling to a system that is harmful but the norm? Economic degrowth is mocked by the corporate world and governments. Although it seems irrational to continue an economic system that is based on exploitation and destruction, there is little openness to rethink our global economies. Does a remedy exist? Imagine what a future that favours prosperity and sustainable development could look like. I have difficulty imagining a sustainable global economy. Let me introduce you to degrowth and the tragedy of the commons. Two concepts not paired before!


  1. Katherine McLee

    This is such a great post with so much to think about! Sustainability is so important! Thank you for sharing!

    • Veronika Tietz

      You are more than welcome!

  2. Camilla

    Great post with many good points! Having the right mindset is key!

  3. Catherine

    Such a great post to get you thinking about what kind of year you want 2023 to be.

    • Veronika Tietz

      Catherine, I hope 2023 will be a year worth looking forward to for you 😉

  4. She Dreams Too

    Interesting Post with good points to think about. Thanks for sharing !

  5. Jeanine

    This is a fantastic post and I love this “2023, a future worth looking forward to”, and something to work towards


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