September 5, 2022

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Sustainability Podcast: WHO’S GONNA SAVE US

The WHO'S GONNA SAVE US podcast is about the heroes who will enable the world to avert the worst impacts of a climate disaster: people like you and me. Questions about “Why do we have to do it?” are changed to “How are we going to do it?” This podcast provides you with inspirational stories from people who simply want a better future. A future where we are not threatened by the climate crisis. How they are doing it is wonderfully discovered by the host Jo Lauder and her team.
Written by Veronika Tietz

Today, I want to introduce you to a Sustainability podcast that was recently recommended to me. Not gonna lie, I haven’t really jumped on the podcast train yet. Sometimes, I find it difficult to have a lot of stimuli around me. I like to give my brain some time to relax, which isn’t always easy. Ah well! So, thanks to my mama-bear-in-law who is a lot more hip and happening in the media world than I am, I’m now listening to the newly launched podcast series, WHO’S GONNA SAVE US?

It was only recently launched on the 21st of August. WHO’S GONNA SAVE US? is a co-production of the ABC Radio National science team and the Hack current affairs program on Triple J radio. 

To anyone who is not based in Australia: ABC Radio National is an Australian broadcasting radio network, and Triple J is an Australian radio station.

What is this screaming headlined podcast about?

WHO’S GONNA SAVE US? is about people who are already fighting the impacts of the climate crisis, not about confirming that the climate crisis is real.  I find it really refreshing that more content is being produced about how we can mitigate climate crisis impacts. Admittedly, I feel weary when I hear news reports which are still battling to confirm that climate change is real. 

Whereas, this podcast is not about identifying the problem, but about the people who will get us to where we need to be.


This isn’t a podcast about how climate change is real – we’ve known that for a long time. And it’s not another show about the devastation climate change is causing, or how we got here. Because we don’t need to talk about the problem anymore. We know what’s going on.

From the Episode Description 00| WHO’S GONNA SAVE US?



WHO’S GONNA SAVE US? is about the people who are already in the centre of the tornado, who have known for a while that we need to act. It’s about all the people who have the guts to challenge the status quo. 

Real people are bringing about real change with authentic climate solutions

Increasingly, climate crisis impacts are affecting our lives and it’s very likely that this is only the tip of the iceberg. Major events like the Australian Black Summer (2018), Texas Cold Snap (2021) German Floods (2021) and China’s largest river Yangtze drying up (2022) are only a tiny snapshot of our future if we don’t act now.


… people who didn’t think enough was being done about climate change in their patch of the world. So they took a stand: against the most powerful news media company in the world; against the fossil fuel industry; against the Australian government. 

From the Episode Description 01| Standing up for the climate



People care and worry about climate crisis impacts. And they act. They risk their jobs, their reputation and their lives to stand against the media, against industries and against their own government. Because the media, industries and government are not doing enough. Even worse, they are standing in the way of the change we urgently need to achieve. 

Do you want to be on the right side of history?

You know push comes to shove when climate scientists take matters into their own hands. Imagine, you spend years or even decades of your time researching the source, cause, impacts and outcomes of an approaching catastrophe and nothing happens. People don’t believe you, you’re talking in circles. No one ACTS.


… if science alone isn’t enough to save us… Will scientists on strike do the trick?

From the Episode Description 02| Scientists on strike



What I enjoyed most about the first couple of episodes is how humble the guests of the podcast are. They simply know that we have to act now and that we – normal people – have to take matters into our own hands. Because we can’t count on our political and industry leaders.

As you will hear from the podcast, those interviewed guests are like you and me,with little decision power. But, if we normal people make a collective decision, we can cause a tsunami. Imagine what we can achieve if we take this little risk. It’s a noble thing to put your beliefs first, for the good and not the bad. 

What are you waiting for?

I truly recommend following this podcast series, because it portrays real people who want to achieve real change in the world. Real people with real struggles who simply want the best for the world. Sustainability includes justice and we can’t continue to let people make decisions who have only their self-interest in mind.

We all care, but sometimes we need inspiration from people like you and me who never believed they had what it takes to make a difference. All of us have what it takes to turn a spark into a fire. We don’t have to be extra courageous, brave, bold, … we simply have to be humans who want a better world!

For more inspiration visit my article about startups which have true potential in changing our world: Climate Tech Startups: Nailing It With Diversity

If you are interested in a controversial opinion about Sustainability, check out this article: Why Sustainability Is Not Outdated Or Boring

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Reimagine Sustainability: Create The Impact You Want To See In Our World

Reimagine Sustainability is about creating the impact we need in our beautiful world. It’s not difficult anymore to find information about what’s going wrong, but it’s still not that easy to find useful and encouraging information about what we can do. Many of us want to become the impact and do something. But what? Where to start? Isn’t it already too late? Those are the questions you will find answers to in Reimagine Sustainability. In this article, I want to show you what Reimagine Sustainability is about – its purpose and missions – how it can support and help you on your sustainability journey.

Climate Anxiety First Aid Kit: Do Not Let Climate Panic Become The Norm

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The Power of Words: Why We Should Change The Way We Talk About Sustainability

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Sustainability Mindset – A Mindset For A Better World

A Sustainability Mindset helps us to understand complex systems better. Through awareness about everything that’s going wrong, we create the ability to step one step back and reflect on the situation. A Sustainability mindset helps us to effectively analyse complex challenges and generate appropriate solutions. Embracing Sustainability has never been easier by applying the 12 principles of a Sustainability mindset. We don’t always need cutting-edge technology. Sometimes real change comes from within us; to create the impact we want to see in our world. Sustainability is not difficult nor hard, it’s everything good we want to create. For us, for others, for the planet.

6 Key Competencies In Sustainability For The 21st Century

Sustainable development requires societal change and societal change starts with us. If we actively decide to evolve and expand our current knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, we have the chance to become the change we want to see in the world. Moreover, we need to take action with respect to real-world sustainability problems. An effective way to make a difference is to learn about the key competencies in sustainability. Those competencies create a nurturing ground where we can build the future we want. Instead of being a passive citizen, you can become engaged and empowered. Sometimes this can be as easy as expanding your competencies.

Sustainable Energy Living: Saving The Planet One Switch At A Time

It is not easy for citizens to live environmentally friendly and socially responsible because unsustainability is the norm in urban areas. Inefficient transport systems, massive amounts of waste, irresponsible use of energy and poor land and building management are only a few obstacles that put a heavy burden on the environment and societies. There are many ways to live more environmentally friendly. This article is devoted to your energy habits and consumption. Saving the planet one switch at a time is not complicated, but a must. Let me guide you through the possibilities to become an eco-conscious citizen.

How AI Is Shaping The Future Of Food Sustainability

Let me introduce you to Reimagine Sustainability’s first guest writer: Sona Ruby Chacko. She is passionate about food sustainability and its impact on the environment. With a background in sustainable development, she brings a unique perspective to the table, exploring the intersection of technology and food sustainability. In her article about AI in food sustainability, Sona discusses the potential of using artificial intelligence to address the challenges of food insecurity and opportunities of technology in the food supply chain. Her research-driven approach and commitment to sustainable solutions make her a valuable contributor to the field of food sustainability.


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