March 29, 2023

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Sustainability Thinking: The World Is Ending. What Are You Taking With You?

In view of the many crises we need to overcome, it can feel quite daunting. Too many think they do not have enough of what it takes to make our world sustainable. It might be true because they think in a way that does not encourage action. Thinking differently has been frowned upon for too long. But that’s what we need: the diverse capabilities of all human brains. Sustainability thinking can become a successful pathway to deal with environmental issues, social unrest and economic collapse. A sustainable future depends on the way you imagine it. Make the most out of it!
Written by Veronika Tietz

If you want to change the trajectory of the world, you need to change your thinking to sustainability thinking. Our global challenges are the consequences of poor leadership and decision-making and they have one source: the human brain.

Although the newest IPCC report (March 2023) is stating the repetitive fact that we need to reduce our emissions – nothing to very little seems to happen in the groups of decision-makers and most polluting industries. Why is that?

There are different ways of thinking, acting and relating about sustainability. Yet, it depends on personal worldviews, beliefs, values and the societal norms someone grew up in. That’s a lot of influence that might not benefit the goal of sustainable development.

When the human brain (where all the decisions come from) is the cause of all trouble, why aren’t we addressing our most impressive organ more? Does it need a reset to make a sustainable future possible?

Einstein Mindset Quote

As Einstein has put it – with my help – translated into the current global context: We cannot solve our global challenges with the same mindset which created them in the first place.

Your brain is the place for all the solutions to create a future worth looking forward to. It simply needs refining ingredients to empower you to make decisions and take action leading to a thriving and prosperous future. 

That’s gonna happen with developing and implementing sustainability thinking in everything you do.

Sustainability thinking: The magic key to tackle our global crises?

Let’s imagine our world is ending. You know there is no tomorrow. What do you take with you? Any possession you have will vanish. There’s nothing physical you can take with you to the afterlife. 

The only thing left is the legacy you leave. Do you know which legacy you want to leave?

Sustainability thinking is a weird thing. Although it helps you to understand the world in a more holistic sense, it can be confusing. It seems like the solution landscape is fact and problem-oriented. However, we need solutions that do not simply tackle the symptom of a challenge. We need solutions that tackle problems at their root; plus making the whole process sustainable – of course.

Sustainability thinking is a way of thinking about how you organise your life and by extension, your work in the most sustainable way. Moreover, your sustainability thinking depends on the competencies you possess. See it as a mix of knowledge and skills that will help you to become future-ready.



6 Key Competencies In Sustainability For The 21st Century


Here is a short list of key competencies in sustainability:

Sustainability Competencies

Let’s dive deeper into the world of sustainability thinking and evoke the opportunities ahead of you.

Your mindset is the frame for the way you think and act

Your decisions and actions are influenced by your mindset which frames the way you think and act.

Some interrelated concepts are sustainable development, education for sustainability, sustainability mindset and green thinking.

As already mentioned, you cannot solve our global challenges with the same mindset that created them in the first place. Therefore, you need to work on your mindset first, before you can take meaningful actions.

The amount of crises we are facing is overwhelming and depressing. For me, the worst is that people who contributed the least to the global mess are the most vulnerable and already experience the consequences. 

Yet, sustainable development cannot happen by simply changing your thinking. In addition, we need to create a vision for a prosperous and thriving future – together. The world as we know it is not sustainable. Therefore, reimagining visions to create a sustainable future is at the forefront of what needs to be done, paired with developing sustainability thinking.

Consequently, it’s about facilitating an evolution towards a sustainable future. You are at a point in human history where you have the choice to create a future worth looking forward to.

Your attitude matters more than you might realise at the moment. Sustainability thinking is a gateway to finding the right solutions and developing sustainable innovation.

Sustainability innovation is about thinking and sustaining ideas

Sustainability thinking is all about learning, understanding and applying sustainability competencies. Currently, global values are economic-driven. 

It’s all about growth and money. This way of thinking causes many issues which turn into the global crises we are experiencing now. One part of sustainability thinking is to understand the interconnectedness of the many crises we are facing. More information about our crises is summarised in this article: ‘The 10 Most Pressing Challenges Of The 21st Century’.

Due to the competitive nature of the business world and the development of individualistic societies, it seems like there is no way out. This is far from the truth. Humankind can do better. 

In the end, we do not have another option than clearing the mess of capitalism to make room for something – hopefully – better. That’s your responsibility. Your ideas matter to create a future worth looking forward to.

What is your part to fulfil?

Sustainability innovation is all about thinking and sustaining ideas. How to think sustainably?

You need to learn. You need to shift your mindset from a fixed to a growth mindset. Forget about groundbreaking technologies. Most of them are created with the same mindset that created our global challenges.

When was the last time you felt human? If you can remember (if not, it’s not a problem), how did it feel? What was important to you at this time?

Back to reality. Of course, the future is portrayed as the ultimate apocalypse. How bad would it be if we missed the chance to avoid it? 


Think evolution, not end.


Think social, not economic or technological. 


I like to say that we already have everything we need to change the trajectory of our world. There is one massive blockage: human greed. It’s about less and not more. It’s about feeling human again in a world that was not designed to allow humanness.

We do not have a climate crisis problem. We have a human greed problem. 

Let’s reframe decision-making with value-focussed thinking

Your brain causes trouble. Mine does too. Let us fix that!

Imagine what you can achieve when you train your brain to think in a sustainable manner. I prepared a Sustainability Mindset Guide for you to explore sustainability thinking – for free! Additionally, you will find an example on how to implement sustainability thinking in form a applying systems thinking. 

Sustainability Mindset Guide

There is one catch: You need to subscribe to the Reimagine Sustainability Newsletter. This is not too bad, considering that you will get weekly content and inspiration to develop and implement a sustainability mindset. 

You are more than welcome to share your thoughts about this article in the comments. Moreover, I would be grateful if you send me any questions, feedback or whatever’s on your mind about sustainability mindsets.

I’m looking forward to changing the world with you – for good!

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Sustainable Cleaning Tips For A Clean And Eco-Friendly Home

Safe and natural cleaning methods benefit your health, the environment and your bank account. Eco-friendly cleaning products and methods are part of sustainable living strategies aiming at reducing the harm caused to the planet and you. Moreover, sometimes simplicity beats the chemical cocktail mix under your sink. Thus I added well-tried recipes for DIY cleaning products (all-natural and cheap) to this article. But what would a clean home be without freshness? Particularly, city apartments tend to accumulate all the outside smells. Do not worry. There are easy tips to freshen up your urban home without nasty chemicals.

Why Systems Thinking Is So Useful To Achieve Sustainability

Systems thinking should become one of the number one approaches to solving societal challenges. It’s a problem-solving approach that looks at a system as a whole. Making sense of the complexity in our world is not an easy task, but mastering the principles of systems thinking can bring us one step closer to achieving sustainable goals. Rather than isolating parts of a system (like linear thinking does), systems thinking is the ability to understand systems as a whole and the dependent relationships. With systems thinking, we have a much better chance to find the solutions which fit.

Sustainable Urban Living: Little Changes That Will Make A Big Difference

Living in urban areas is a challenge for sustainable transitions. Most cities were not built to be in balance with the natural environment. Hence, sustainable urban living is no longer a necessity – it is a must. It is not easy for citizens to live environmentally friendly and socially responsible because unsustainability is the norm in urban areas. Inefficient transport systems, massive amounts of waste, irresponsible use of energy and poor land and building management are only a few obstacles that put a heavy burden on the environment and societies. Is sustainable urban living the answer for us individuals to make a difference?

Eco-Friendly Christmas Gifts For 2022: Splendid For Your Loved Ones And The Planet

During the Christmas season, our waste footprint can double. Christmas trees, food, toys, electronics, wrapping paper and ribbon bands contribute to joy under the Christmas tree, but they take an immense environmental toll. It comes as no surprise that increasingly eco-conscious people prefer to bypass the Christmas waste madness for the environment. That is why the question arises, are there any eco-friendly Christmas presents? Yes, and they do not cost the world. Although a more sustainable Christmas focuses on spending time with our loved ones, we can use the Christmas season to rethink how eco-friendly gifts can bring joy – to the people we love and the planet.

Green Pressure: The Global Sustainability Trends To Follow In 2022

Trends come and go. But Sustainability trends will have a lasting impact on our societies and the planet. Finding new ways of meeting basic human needs is a prevalent red thread. Citizens become increasingly more aware of bad practices which result in pollution, global warming, biodiversity loss, social injustice etc. Governments as well as industries are experiencing waves of pressure from citizens who are fed up with bad leadership. We all have our contributions to make and luckily, a lot of awesome global citizens have figured out different solutions to tackle humanity’s most pressing challenges. The following Sustainability trends will give you an idea in which direction we are heading. You’re more than welcome to join us!

Breaking Boundaries: Reimagining Sustainability For A Thriving Future

Discover the wisdom of nature: resilience in the face of challenges, interconnectedness that binds us all, efficient resource utilisation, adaptability to thrive, and regeneration for a sustainable future. Let nature’s lessons inspire you. You can reimagine a future that draws from the timeless wisdom of nature, forging a path towards sustainable transformation. Unlock your transformative power of nature’s wisdom and embark on a journey towards a thriving and resilient planet. That is all we need: a planet that has the capability to regenerate itself and the ability to flourish in difficult situations. It is that simple.

Triple Bottom Line: The Foundation Of Sustainable Action And Performance

The Triple Bottom Line is a famous framework that incorporates three dimensions for sustainable decision-making: social, environmental and economic. It’s mostly used to measure sustainable business performance, but it can be applied anytime a decision has to be made. For too long has the economic dimension been at the centre of attention leading to exploitation of the social and environmental dimensions. The Triple Bottom Line encourages us to look beyond the traditional bottom line of business profit and make decisions that are socially and environmentally responsible. Sustainable development can only happen if we find the right balance between the three dimensions which benefit all of us.

Did The Patagonia Founder Pave A Way To A Sustainable Future?

In our fast-moving world, it is easy to jump from news to news. Unfortunately, it means that we often neglect important information. In that context, I feel like the news about the Patagonia founder was swept under the rug too quickly. Do you remember what happened? Don’t worry if you don’t because I want to bring up this old news again. Non-billionaire Yvon Chouinard decided to give away his company, Patagonia, to tackle the climate crisis. It is a significant decision because perhaps we are dealing with a pioneering act that might shake up the business world. If we don’t let it fall into oblivion.

Benefits Of Embracing Sustainability With Music

Music makes the world go round. It is a vital part of our everyday lives, brings joy and helps us feel better. Moreover, music has the incredible power to affect our mood, change our outlook on life and inspire us to make a difference. You might have heard the phrase ‘Music can change the world’, so let us use music to find our motivation and change the world with our favourite tunes. I want to show you what this can look like with one of my motivational songs, which helps me to refocus and continue believing: I can do that!

How An Improved Definition Of Sustainability Will Actually Save The World

Sustainability is minimised to dealing responsibly with our resources for our and our future generations (plants, animals and resources included). It is more than simply ticking the boxes. It’s about finding the right balance between social, environmental and economic Sustainability. The latter is not even crucial for our existence, but we give most of our attention to economic development. More importantly, we need to switch the focus on ecological and human health and vitality. Profit can only exist with people and the planet. So let’s change our understanding of Sustainability to create a world that suits us all and not an economic model.


  1. Valery

    Thanks for putting such a thorough post together! You’ve given me much to consider when it comes to sustainable thinking!

  2. Fransic verso

    This is very important to have and we need to have the mindset to do things and act. Thank you for sharing!


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