August 13, 2022

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The Rs Of Sustainability: The Most Effective Way To Apply Them

It’s not always obvious how we can achieve our Sustainability goals. A big help is principles we can use to help us. In the Sustainability space, the Rs of Sustainability have established themselves to be a successful way. Can you easily relate to the three common Rs of Sustainability: Reduce, reuse, and recycle? Sometimes I feel like those principles are not easily applicable in my life. Don’t worry, I found an effective way to personalise your own set of Rs of Sustainability. It won’t only help you to implement Sustainability easier but also embrace the diversity of what you can do to achieve Sustainability.
Written by Veronika Tietz

One of the many things which fascinate me about the world is its diversity. We have billions (probably even trillions) of possibilities to shape our way of life. We can decide to move to another country, we have the chance to choose our diet, we have many options to shape our education, we can decide to start a career in a field we are most interested in, or we can start our own business and bring value into the world with our work… the list goes on and on … and on. We will always encounter some barriers, misfortunes or inner blockages. But we have the power to turn the wheel around and change direction. So, I want to show you a way to do it in a sustainable way: with the Rs of sustainability.

No one else is able to make the decisions which are best for us. That’s why it’s so important that you are aware of what you really need and what brings you the most joy. I’ve been through a lot of ups and downs in my currently short lifespan (like the majority of people), and there were a lot of days where I thought nothing made sense. I was waiting for the outside world to give me a sign, but I got tired of wasting my time waiting for the right moment, a supernatural sign or someone to push me. When I started to take my fate into my own hands, information I needed came flying towards me and continuously supporting me in my endeavours. 

Be ready for a simple way of implementing sustainability in your everyday life

What does this sentimental introduction have to do with you? You will soon get an inspirational boost from me to support you in making more sustainable choices at home, at work and wherever you are. It is a way to not only act more sustainably but also use words which benefit your mindset in implementing sustainability in everything you do.


Sustainability Mindset – A Mindset For A Better World

When looking for information relating to sustainability you might have stumbled upon the R principles, also referred to as the Rs of sustainability or the Rs of sustainable living. If you’re not familiar with the R principles, here are the three universally used ones:

The 3 R's of Sustainability

Words which begin with RE are very important when it comes to achieving sustainability goals. They indicate that something needs to go back into a cycle, something needs to change or something needs to be looked at from a different angle. The grammar enthusiasts will know that RE is a prefix derived from the Latin language and is used with the meaning “again” or “again and again” to highlight repetitive actions. It can also mean “back” or “backward” to show withdrawal or a backward motion.

I have always found words very fascinating because they can be used in endless combinations to achieve what we want or to reflect how we feel. Storytelling for example is a very powerful tool to reach the masses, marketing specialists can probably sing many songs about it. However, I see the importance of a positive narrative for sustainability implementation as a crucial step to move the masses and achieve what we urgently need to achieve: bringing our Earth systems back into balance and becoming a part of its system again.


The Power of Words: Why We Should Change The Way We Talk About Sustainability

How can you apply the easy principles of the Rs of sustainability?

So how are we going to use words with the prefix RE to change the world? Easy – we live by the principles I’m going to introduce to you. In the following table I tried to organise all the collected RE words into my three blog categories: concept, mindset and action. The reason I did this is to support different kinds of approaches of making more sustainable decisions based on the situation you’re in now. Some meanings may be more important to you than to others, or easier to implement. I also just like playing around with words to express myself more precisely. It is boring to always read the same stuff and we need more inspiration if we want to become better storytellers.

The cool thing about Sustainability is that it depends on where you are in your thinking, what your geographical location is and in what cultural setting you want to implement sustainable strategies. We don’t only need more natural diversity but we also need more cultural and linguistic diversity to express our true self and sustainable ambitions.

The R's of Sustainability Categories

We’re quickly circling back to the research I did on the Rs of Sustainability, and what I discovered was that many articles focused on a different amount of R-words. Articles contained from 3  to 14 Rs of sustainability (very ambitious). The 3 Rs of Sustainability are the most prevalent ones and are where most writers (probably unintentionally) agree: Reduce, reuse and recycle.

The more Rs included the higher the diversity of combinations, but mostly they didn’t differ too much from each other. I prepared another table with different combinations of the Rs of sustainability for you to browse around and form your own opinion:

The 14 R's of Sustainability

You have the choice to become sustainable – but on your terms

There are many ways in which to group them and I asked myself, can’t we choose the combination ourselves? Sure we can! You can choose whichever RE word best suits your situation and as many RE words as you want. We can use our own set of R sustainability principles to support our contribution to sustainable development. How often did you come across someone’s advice to live more sustainably but it just did not resonate with you? It doesn’t always have to be spot-on advice as we all have different structures in our lives. Something that works for one person doesn’t need to work for a different person.

However, building your own foundation to achieve more sustainability outcomes can be very helpful. You will be able to find the right information more quickly and implement it into your daily life and decisions.

Thus I created a template for you, to personalise your R’s of sustainability and demonstrate how to use them. You will receive the template for free when you sign up for my newsletter by clicking on the picture below or here.

Rs of Sustainability freebie

Once you have mastered your chosen Rs, you can decide whether or not to add more Rs to your list. The beauty is that this is a continuous process that supports you to develop habits which not only help you become more sustainable, but are also good for the planet and your professional life.

Implementing sustainable practices is not complicated

You will be able to create R’s of Sustainability which work well with your current lifestyle, but why stop here? You can implement the R principles in the business world. A lot of businesses will benefit from making their processes more sustainable. Every industry will have their own special R-list that will support them to contribute more effectively to a sustainable transition.

Applying basic Sustainability principles may even have a bigger impact than investing in new and expensive technology (this does not apply to industries which have a highly damaging impact and where clean technologies need to be applied). The principles support you in REthinking the current state of things and making it easier to REact to what you find. I hope that I was able to show you that Sustainability doesn’t need to be complicated and that it can be achieved easily with the right tools.

Complication is the death of anything new and exciting, thus I’m here for you to make your life not only easier but simultaneously more sustainable.

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Why Are Circular Systems Important To Achieve Our Sustainability Goals Faster?

Circularity and Sustainability go hand in hand. It is a simple concept highlighting the comparative advantage of circular and linear systems. A circular flow of resources enables healthier and more responsible handling of the most precious: our Earth. Our global economic model is not only damaging the Earth’s capabilities to regenerate, but also does not contribute to the well-being of people. Circularity is increasingly gaining attention to restore the Earth’s capabilities and contribute to a better world. It might not be obvious we are in an era of scarcity where we live over our budget and gamble away our future.

How AI Is Shaping The Future Of Food Sustainability

Let me introduce you to Reimagine Sustainability’s first guest writer: Sona Ruby Chacko. She is passionate about food sustainability and its impact on the environment. With a background in sustainable development, she brings a unique perspective to the table, exploring the intersection of technology and food sustainability. In her article about AI in food sustainability, Sona discusses the potential of using artificial intelligence to address the challenges of food insecurity and opportunities of technology in the food supply chain. Her research-driven approach and commitment to sustainable solutions make her a valuable contributor to the field of food sustainability.

Reimagine Sustainability: Create The Impact You Want To See In Our World

Reimagine Sustainability is about creating the impact we need in our beautiful world. It’s not difficult anymore to find information about what’s going wrong, but it’s still not that easy to find useful and encouraging information about what we can do. Many of us want to become the impact and do something. But what? Where to start? Isn’t it already too late? Those are the questions you will find answers to in Reimagine Sustainability. In this article, I want to show you what Reimagine Sustainability is about – its purpose and missions – how it can support and help you on your sustainability journey.

Why Systems Thinking Is So Useful To Achieve Sustainability

Systems thinking should become one of the number one approaches to solving societal challenges. It’s a problem-solving approach that looks at a system as a whole. Making sense of the complexity in our world is not an easy task, but mastering the principles of systems thinking can bring us one step closer to achieving sustainable goals. Rather than isolating parts of a system (like linear thinking does), systems thinking is the ability to understand systems as a whole and the dependent relationships. With systems thinking, we have a much better chance to find the solutions which fit.

Do Your Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions Pass The Test? Find Out More…

Following through with New Year’s resolutions is a rewarding feeling. When we stick to accomplishing the changes we want to see in our lives, we feel empowered, happy and invincible. Imagine we could use this power to make our world a better place. It is possible, but we need to do some pre-work that will bring us on the right path to greatness. Too often, we put a spoke in our wheel. It is not only bad for our self-esteem, but also for our planet which is in urgent need of sustainable action. Let’s prevent our resolutions from dissolving into hot air!

10 Simple Reasons Why It’s Not Too Late For Sustainability

It’s not easy being a human in a world which seems to crumble around us. Finding encouraging and helpful support to tackle our world’s crisis is not easy. Many already say that we can’t achieve Sustainability anymore. What nonsense! In this article, I want to show you 10 simple reasons why we can still achieve Sustainability. Even better, it won’t be as difficult as you might think. Our world is complex, but not everything needs to be hypercomplex. Sometimes the simple things in life will bring us where we should be. Curious? You’re more than welcome to continue reading.

Create An App And Contribute To Sustainable Development

Contributing to Sustainability has never been easier. With the world wide web, we have access to almost any resource we need to support a sustainable transition with apps for example. Apps are super convenient because we always have our smartphones with us. It’s also not so complicated anymore to develop an app. There are so many different apps to help us be more sustainable. It doesn’t matter if you want to be more environmentally conscious, eliminate your waste habits, purchase environmentally and socially responsible products, etc. There is an app for everyone. If not, maybe you can develop one in your underserved niche.

5 Helpful Steps To Understand The Concept Of Systems Better

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could work together to tackle humanity’s most pressing challenges? Interestingly enough, this is possible because natural systems show us how. Unfortunately, we got rid of a big chunk of natural systems, but this doesn’t mean that we cannot reverse it. The systems concept is an ideal approach to understanding the underlying problems we are facing AND finding the right solutions. We are an integral part of our Earth’s systems as well as any other species or resource. I can show you what it takes to understand systems better and contribute to a better world.

Make A Meaningful Impact: Alyona From Dobrosphera

Make A Meaningful Impact is an interview series about people – like you and me – who make a difference in our world. All of us are deeply concerned with the state of the world, but we cannot solve the world’s challenges ourselves. Therefore, I created the series Make A Meaningful Impact, where I invite different people to an interview to show us what they do to make our extraordinary world a livable and enjoyable home. They found their journey and role in contributing to a better future – a future to look forward to.

Starting Small, Thinking Big: How To Begin Your Sustainability Journey

Embark on a transformative journey of sustainability, and unlock the value this article holds. Your courage, challenges and the urge to change unsustainable habits, is needed to ignite empowerment through even the smallest shifts. Shift your thinking, prioritise sustainability, and become a catalyst for broader change. Additionally, inspire others with your sustainable mindset and actions, creating a ripple effect of positive transformation. A resilient future cannot emerge without your contribution. Every small step you take makes a difference. The real impact will come from thinking big. Therefore, unlock the gateway to a fulfilling existence, impacting yourself and the world around you.


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