November 21, 2022

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Make A Meaningful Impact: Alyona From Dobrosphera

Make A Meaningful Impact is an interview series about people - like you and me - who make a difference in our world. All of us are deeply concerned with the state of the world, but we cannot solve the world's challenges ourselves. Therefore, I created the series Make A Meaningful Impact, where I invite different people to an interview to show us what they do to make our extraordinary world a livable and enjoyable home. They found their journey and role in contributing to a better future - a future to look forward to.
Written by Veronika Tietz

Our world is getting out of hand. It is now more than ever important to take action. Obviously, this is easier said than done. It is all the better when we come across people who do exactly that: Making A Meaningful Impact. One of those beautiful souls is Alyona. She is the creative mind behind Dobrosphera, a service-based business focussing on creating different media.

Dobrosphera Bee Kind

Visualisation Be-e Kind from Dobrosphera


Under the mission of ‘We explain sustainability with clear words’, Alyona is creating videos, audio, advertisement, company presentations, books, cartoons, translations and social media posts – all relating to kindness and sustainability.

If you want to be featured in Make A Meaningful Impact, simply contact me via email ( or here.

During the interview, Alyona shared impactful quotes from famous authors. Therefore, I collected them for you:

And everything, absolutely everything, was
The world, like a great iris of an even
more gigantic eye, which has also just
opened and stretched out to encompass
everything, stared back at him.
And he knew what it was that had leaped
upon him to stay and would not run away
I’m alive, he thought.

– Ray Bradberry, Dandelion Wine

Dobrosphera Relax

Visualisation Relax from Dobrosphera


One of Altona’s favourite quotes is:

Act only in accordance with that maxim
through which you can at the same time
will that it become a universal law.

– Immanuel Kant, from Categorical Imperative


Visualisation Grow Up from Dobrosphera


If you want to get in touch and/or work with Alyona, here are her contact details and social media pages:


Instagram: Dobroshpera

Facebook: Dobrosphera – Kind media

LinkedIn: Alyona (Alena) Maslova



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From Hardie To Softie: 7 Soft Skills Which Will Change The World For Good

Soft skills are a resourceful set of traits to contribute to social sustainability. For too long, the positive effects of soft skills have been neglected, but now is the time to shine. The mix of social skills can tremendously contribute to a better sustainable transformation of our lives and well-being. Soft skills aren’t all about better work performance and ethics. We need to shift our focus away from keeping only our economies going, but keeping ourselves alive; emotionally and physically. Developing your soft skills abilities will bring you one step closer to dealing with the world’s challenges.

World Kindness Day: Making An Impact By Being Kind

On the 13th of November, World Kindness Day is celebrated globally. The aim is to promote kindness and make it the norm. Simply put, kindness is the quality of being friendly, thoughtful and compassionate. There are different ways of promoting kindness, volunteering and donating being the prevalent ones. What we tend to overlook is being kind to ourselves. We are our strictest judges. As important as it is to show compassion to others, we also need to be kind to ourselves. Because how do we change the world? With one random act of kindness at a time – to us and others.

Sustainable Finance Action Plan: Doing More Good With Your Money

The global financial system relies on growing consumption to sustain an ever-expanding economy on a planet with finite resources. Money is not only an exchange medium to buy the things you need or want. Every time you purchase a product or service, you vote. Unfortunately, most purchasing decisions contribute to the further destruction of the environment and exploitation of people. Financial literacy is now a crucial skill for making purchase decisions that can make a difference. Use your purchasing power to do good – for you, the planet and your bank account. It is easy, I will show you how!

Why I Started My Reimagine Sustainability Blog?

Sustainability is what I dedicate to my life. For too long, I felt helpless and increasingly annoyed by news about climate change, biodiversity loss, food crises, rising mental health issues etc. It’s a lot to deal with for a normal human being. But I always believed in Sustainability, it simply makes sense to me to adapt to the Earth’s systems. Our societies developed on ideals of exploitation and destruction, but good and kind people have a voice now. Thank you, internet! It doesn’t take much anymore to become the change you want to see in this world.

Eco-Friendly Christmas Gifts For 2022: Splendid For Your Loved Ones And The Planet

During the Christmas season, our waste footprint can double. Christmas trees, food, toys, electronics, wrapping paper and ribbon bands contribute to joy under the Christmas tree, but they take an immense environmental toll. It comes as no surprise that increasingly eco-conscious people prefer to bypass the Christmas waste madness for the environment. That is why the question arises, are there any eco-friendly Christmas presents? Yes, and they do not cost the world. Although a more sustainable Christmas focuses on spending time with our loved ones, we can use the Christmas season to rethink how eco-friendly gifts can bring joy – to the people we love and the planet.

Why Sustainability Is Not Outdated Or Boring

We still try to define Sustainability and answer the “Why” although we are already in the tornado. It’s difficult to stay engaged or figure out our role in this chaoes of misinterpretation and misinformation. Wouldn’t it be easier if we agreed on asking only “How?” questions? How are we going to solve the climate crisis? How are we going to stop biodiversity loss? How are we going to change our exploitative economy? How can each of us find our purpose? I think we can do it! But firstly, let’s clarify that Sustainability is far from being outdated.

Fostering Ecoliteracy: The Love That Keeps On Giving

Ecoliteracy is a widely unknown term. In view of the environmental challenges we are already experiencing, ecoliteracy needs to become the forefront of educational strategies. Our existence is bound to well-functioning natural systems. It is not only about our existence, it is also about our way of life. I find it heartbreaking how our natural world suffers because of the societal systems we call the norm. Although it might sound too spiritual to some, societies need to reconnect with the natural environment. Developing a sustainability mindset is the solution to understanding your role in the natural world.

Reimagine Sustainability: Create The Impact You Want To See In Our World

Reimagine Sustainability is about creating the impact we need in our beautiful world. It’s not difficult anymore to find information about what’s going wrong, but it’s still not that easy to find useful and encouraging information about what we can do. Many of us want to become the impact and do something. But what? Where to start? Isn’t it already too late? Those are the questions you will find answers to in Reimagine Sustainability. In this article, I want to show you what Reimagine Sustainability is about – its purpose and missions – how it can support and help you on your sustainability journey.

Can The Tragedy Of The Commons Be Solved With Economic Degrowth?

Change is inevitable. What should we do when a number of people cling to a system that is harmful but the norm? Economic degrowth is mocked by the corporate world and governments. Although it seems irrational to continue an economic system that is based on exploitation and destruction, there is little openness to rethink our global economies. Does a remedy exist? Imagine what a future that favours prosperity and sustainable development could look like. I have difficulty imagining a sustainable global economy. Let me introduce you to degrowth and the tragedy of the commons. Two concepts not paired before!

Why Are Circular Systems Important To Achieve Our Sustainability Goals Faster?

Circularity and Sustainability go hand in hand. It is a simple concept highlighting the comparative advantage of circular and linear systems. A circular flow of resources enables healthier and more responsible handling of the most precious: our Earth. Our global economic model is not only damaging the Earth’s capabilities to regenerate, but also does not contribute to the well-being of people. Circularity is increasingly gaining attention to restore the Earth’s capabilities and contribute to a better world. It might not be obvious we are in an era of scarcity where we live over our budget and gamble away our future.


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