January 9, 2023

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The Meaning Of Sustainability: Gain A Different Perspective [Video]

The Latin script alphabet is the foundation of many spoken languages. Communication is a necessary factor to understand our world better. Consequently, the words we use reflect our knowledge, beliefs and values, thus underestimating the power of words can get us into trouble. To keep us away from trouble, I decided to produce video content to bring different sustainability ideas to you. Video content has a different quality and to create a future worth looking forward to, we need to visualise how it can look like. I want to invite you to join me on the journey towards a sustainable world.
Written by Veronika Tietz

I’m excited to introduce you to my new Sustainability Series in vlog format: My YouTube Channel! Conveniently, I named it Reimagine Sustainability. As much as I enjoy writing blog post, I see a lot of value – for me but more importantly for you –  to create video content. Exploring the meaning of sustainability is close to my heart.

Everyone needs some direction on their journey towards creating a future worth looking forward to. In my case, I use my concept of the ABC of sustainability for my kind-of-vlog videos. The first video I want to announce is ‘The Meaning Of Sustainability: Gain A Different Perspective‘.

Get yourself your favourite beverage and snacks. Enjoy the cinematic journey:

You are more than welcome to subscribe to my channel 🙂

Join the Reimagine Sustainability Community

Be on top of everything important in the sustainability space. Subscribe to the Reimagine Sustainability Newsletter and receive weekly and exclusive content you do not want to miss out on. Wherever you are on your journey towards sustainability – the time is now. Act, live and enjoy!

Sustainability Wordlist

Normal people can do great things

Creating a future worth looking forward to requires a shift in mindsets. Accordingly, it can become challenging when you are deeply concerned with the state of our world. You are not alone. Many amazing people do great things for sustainable development. Therefore, I created the series Make A Meaningful Impact, where I have a conversation with normal people – like you and me – who dedicate their time to the greater good – full of explorative thinking, deep conversations and transformative action.

Are you ready for the next dose of inspiration and motivation? Then you should not miss out and meet Alyona from Dobrosphera. Tune into our conversation here

Are you more of an auditory person? Then I recommend you the podcast series WHO’S GONNA SAVE US?

Naturally, I will not leave out the book lovers. A book I highly recommend is Right Here Right Now written by Natalie Isaacs, a power-woman who is an inspirational source for climate action.

The meaning of sustainability has billions of faces. You are one of them! If you want to be featured in Make A Meaningful Impact, follow this link and contact me. I would be thrilled to have you on board!

Sharing is Caring

Create An App And Contribute To Sustainable Development

Contributing to Sustainability has never been easier. With the world wide web, we have access to almost any resource we need to support a sustainable transition with apps for example. Apps are super convenient because we always have our smartphones with us. It’s also not so complicated anymore to develop an app. There are so many different apps to help us be more sustainable. It doesn’t matter if you want to be more environmentally conscious, eliminate your waste habits, purchase environmentally and socially responsible products, etc. There is an app for everyone. If not, maybe you can develop one in your underserved niche.

Why I Started My Reimagine Sustainability Blog?

Sustainability is what I dedicate to my life. For too long, I felt helpless and increasingly annoyed by news about climate change, biodiversity loss, food crises, rising mental health issues etc. It’s a lot to deal with for a normal human being. But I always believed in Sustainability, it simply makes sense to me to adapt to the Earth’s systems. Our societies developed on ideals of exploitation and destruction, but good and kind people have a voice now. Thank you, internet! It doesn’t take much anymore to become the change you want to see in this world.

My Top 3 Sustainability TED Talks You Need To Watch!

Can we find solutions to our manifold global crises? Nowadays, ideas about sustainability are more prevalent. Many people deal with sustainability issues and share them with the world. Sustainability is still a confusing term. Therefore, I want to present my top 3 sustainability TED Talks in this article. Those influential videos entail valuable information for you to embark on or continue your sustainability journey. In a short time, you can gain the AHA moment you need to create the change you want to see in our world. Sceptic? Then see it yourself by diving into the sustainable world of three wonderful people!

Sustainability Mindset – A Mindset For A Better World

A Sustainability Mindset helps us to understand complex systems better. Through awareness about everything that’s going wrong, we create the ability to step one step back and reflect on the situation. A Sustainability mindset helps us to effectively analyse complex challenges and generate appropriate solutions. Embracing Sustainability has never been easier by applying the 12 principles of a Sustainability mindset. We don’t always need cutting-edge technology. Sometimes real change comes from within us; to create the impact we want to see in our world. Sustainability is not difficult nor hard, it’s everything good we want to create. For us, for others, for the planet.

Sustainability Thinking: The World Is Ending. What Are You Taking With You?

In view of the many crises we need to overcome, it can feel quite daunting. Too many think they do not have enough of what it takes to make our world sustainable. It might be true because they think in a way that does not encourage action. Thinking differently has been frowned upon for too long. But that’s what we need: the diverse capabilities of all human brains. Sustainability thinking can become a successful pathway to deal with environmental issues, social unrest and economic collapse. A sustainable future depends on the way you imagine it. Make the most out of it!

Embrace New Beginnings: The Power of Starting Over

Starting over on a sustainability journey is crucial for growth and progress. It grants you a fresh perspective, enabling you to challenge old habits, embrace innovative ideas, and reevaluate your practices. By adapting to the ever-evolving field of sustainability, you stay current with advancements and maintain relevance. Starting over allows you to course-correct, learn from past mistakes, and refine your strategies for significant impact. It reignites your passion, reminding you of the significance of sustainability and rekindling your motivation to create positive change. Embracing a new beginning inspires others to join you, fostering a collective effort towards a more sustainable future.

Quadruple Helix: We Are All In This Together

The Quadruple Helix model describes necessary collaboration processes between government bodies, industries, academia and citizens. In innovation systems, the public has been widely neglected, thus creating solutions and systems which are not beneficial for the majority. Social responsibility is strongly connected to the Quadruple Helix model and is needed to reinforce the involvement of citizens in research and development processes. Addressing the immediate needs of a society should be at the centre of decision-making for governments as well as businesses. Applying the Quadruple Helix model makes it easier to involve all representatives who need to take part in the decision-making process.

What Does It Take To Become A Sustainable Leader

A lot of pressure weighs on the shoulders of sustainable leaders. In a complex and confusing world where policies, public pressure and business prosperity are demanding sustainable transformation – it can become an unbearable task for leaders. It does not help that sustainability is already an inconsistently discussed topic – plus staying on top of trends in an ever-changing world is energy-draining. How to cope with all those challenges as a sustainable leader? Principles of sustainable leadership guide the way for leaders who want to do more good and bring their businesses on track in their sustainability journey. Let the change begin!

Did The Patagonia Founder Pave A Way To A Sustainable Future?

In our fast-moving world, it is easy to jump from news to news. Unfortunately, it means that we often neglect important information. In that context, I feel like the news about the Patagonia founder was swept under the rug too quickly. Do you remember what happened? Don’t worry if you don’t because I want to bring up this old news again. Non-billionaire Yvon Chouinard decided to give away his company, Patagonia, to tackle the climate crisis. It is a significant decision because perhaps we are dealing with a pioneering act that might shake up the business world. If we don’t let it fall into oblivion.

ABC Of Sustainability: The Vital Role Of Words To Change The World

The alphabet is the foundation of many spoken languages. Communication is a necessary factor to understand our world better. Our choice of words determines our success or failure. The words we use reflect our knowledge, beliefs and values, thus underestimating the power of words can get us into trouble. However, trouble is what we are in considering the many challenges humankind is facing. Sustainability is associated with different terms and it is our choice if the words we use bring positive or negative results. Which words does it take to make our world a better place? Let us find out!


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