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Sustainable Cleaning Tips For A Clean And Eco-Friendly Home

Safe and natural cleaning methods benefit your health, the environment and your bank account. Eco-friendly cleaning products and methods are part of sustainable living strategies aiming at reducing the harm caused to the planet and you. Moreover, sometimes simplicity beats the chemical cocktail mix under your sink. Thus I added well-tried recipes for DIY cleaning products (all-natural and cheap) to this article. But what would a clean home be without freshness? Particularly, city apartments tend to accumulate all the outside smells. Do not worry. There are easy tips to freshen up your urban home without nasty chemicals.

Abundant Thinkers In A (Resource) Scarce World

There is enough for everyone in terms of infinite resources like love, joy, money, and success. An abundant mindset allows for positivity and resilience to thrive and this attribute is urgently needed to achieve sustainable outcomes all over the world. We are consuming finite resources like there’s no tomorrow but are very frugal with abundant resources. Funny, isn’t it? Developing an abundant mindset in the right direction will allow us to become the solution providers we need. You can see them as real heroes. I bet you can become one of them. Let me inspire you to become an abundant thinker in a resource-scarce world.

Why We Need To Understand The Planetary Boundaries

We know all about speed limits, alcohol limits, calorie limits, age limits and so on. Those are limits we have to take individual action on because we are responsible for ourselves. The planetary limits, known as the planetary boundaries, is a collective responsibility of all of us. The planetary boundaries define the environmental limits within which humans can safely exist, develop and thrive. Pushing the Earth’s systems is putting our livelihoods at risk. Therefore, our responsibility is to know our Earth’s limits and operate in ways which lead to prosperity.

Unusual Sustainability New Year’s Resolutions For 2023 You Need To Know

2023 needs you. Particularly, it needs your actions to create meaningful impacts. Sustainability New Year’s resolutions serve as a focal point to make a difference. To feel empowered and imagine all the opportunities you can seize in the New Year. Sustainable principles have a bad image, but you know better. The unusual New year’s resolutions, shall help you to build a meaningful foundation to make 2023 your year. No self-improvement is needed. Sometimes all it takes to make our world a better place is to be human – compassionate and full of energy to create a future worth looking forward to.

Create An App And Contribute To Sustainable Development

Contributing to Sustainability has never been easier. With the world wide web, we have access to almost any resource we need to support a sustainable transition with apps for example. Apps are super convenient because we always have our smartphones with us. It’s also not so complicated anymore to develop an app. There are so many different apps to help us be more sustainable. It doesn’t matter if you want to be more environmentally conscious, eliminate your waste habits, purchase environmentally and socially responsible products, etc. There is an app for everyone. If not, maybe you can develop one in your underserved niche.

5 Helpful Steps To Understand The Concept Of Systems Better

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could work together to tackle humanity’s most pressing challenges? Interestingly enough, this is possible because natural systems show us how. Unfortunately, we got rid of a big chunk of natural systems, but this doesn’t mean that we cannot reverse it. The systems concept is an ideal approach to understanding the underlying problems we are facing AND finding the right solutions. We are an integral part of our Earth’s systems as well as any other species or resource. I can show you what it takes to understand systems better and contribute to a better world.

World Kindness Day: Making An Impact By Being Kind

On the 13th of November, World Kindness Day is celebrated globally. The aim is to promote kindness and make it the norm. Simply put, kindness is the quality of being friendly, thoughtful and compassionate. There are different ways of promoting kindness, volunteering and donating being the prevalent ones. What we tend to overlook is being kind to ourselves. We are our strictest judges. As important as it is to show compassion to others, we also need to be kind to ourselves. Because how do we change the world? With one random act of kindness at a time – to us and others.

10 Meaningless Actions You Can Implement Right Now For Sustainability

What we perceive as meaningless actions can be far from reality. Too often, we underestimate the impact we can make. Don’t forget that one word can change the course of the world. What is really meaningless are words without actions. Call to action will determine our future because every impact we try to achieve matters. So why refer in this article to meaningless actions? Because you are not alone in your doubts about the impact you can make. Therefore, I want to present to you all the meaningless actions which have the potential to make the world a better place.

Make A Meaningful Impact: Alyona From Dobrosphera

Make A Meaningful Impact is an interview series about people – like you and me – who make a difference in our world. All of us are deeply concerned with the state of the world, but we cannot solve the world’s challenges ourselves. Therefore, I created the series Make A Meaningful Impact, where I invite different people to an interview to show us what they do to make our extraordinary world a livable and enjoyable home. They found their journey and role in contributing to a better future – a future to look forward to.

The Power of Words: Why We Should Change The Way We Talk About Sustainability

Words are a wonderful way of bringing forward our ideas. Usually, we underestimate the power of words. Nonetheless, words influence our behaviour, feelings, desire and fears. The simple ability to communicate with words gives us the unique and powerful choice to change our life. We have the choice to either destroy or build our future; the choice to change the narrative for our benefit or disadvantage. Are we bringing our forces together to create the sustainable world we need? Are we going to give the decision-making power to those who don’t care about us or are we taking matters into our hands?

Can The Tragedy Of The Commons Be Solved With Economic Degrowth?

Can The Tragedy Of The Commons Be Solved With Economic Degrowth?

Change is inevitable. What should we do when a number of people cling to a system that is harmful but the norm? Economic degrowth is mocked by the corporate world and governments. Although it seems irrational to continue an economic system that is based on exploitation and destruction, there is little openness to rethink our global economies. Does a remedy exist? Imagine what a future that favours prosperity and sustainable development could look like. I have difficulty imagining a sustainable global economy. Let me introduce you to degrowth and the tragedy of the commons. Two concepts not paired before!

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The Meaning Of Sustainability: Gain A Different Perspective [Video]

The Meaning Of Sustainability: Gain A Different Perspective [Video]

The Latin script alphabet is the foundation of many spoken languages. Communication is a necessary factor to understand our world better. Consequently, the words we use reflect our knowledge, beliefs and values, thus underestimating the power of words can get us into trouble. To keep us away from trouble, I decided to produce video content to bring different sustainability ideas to you. Video content has a different quality and to create a future worth looking forward to, we need to visualise how it can look like. I want to invite you to join me on the journey towards a sustainable world.

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My Top 3 Sustainability TED Talks You Need To Watch!

My Top 3 Sustainability TED Talks You Need To Watch!

Can we find solutions to our manifold global crises? Nowadays, ideas about sustainability are more prevalent. Many people deal with sustainability issues and share them with the world. Sustainability is still a confusing term. Therefore, I want to present my top 3 sustainability TED Talks in this article. Those influential videos entail valuable information for you to embark on or continue your sustainability journey. In a short time, you can gain the AHA moment you need to create the change you want to see in our world. Sceptic? Then see it yourself by diving into the sustainable world of three wonderful people!

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A Sustainable 2023 Starts With You! Create A Future To Look Forward To

A Sustainable 2023 Starts With You! Create A Future To Look Forward To

Are you looking forward to 2023? I hope so. Now more than ever, we need encouraged and motivated people to make a difference. To contribute to our planet – the paradise which sustains our lives. Although there are many ways to be sustainable, we overlook one: how you can make a meaningful impact. I do not mean recycling or going zero waste. What I mean is who you are as a person. How do you fit in with your uniqueness and strengths? Sustainability has all opportunities open for you. What matters is if you are willing to discover them.

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12 Short And Inspirational Sustainability Affirmations For A Positive Mindset

12 Short And Inspirational Sustainability Affirmations For A Positive Mindset

Sustainability affirmations help you find your role in the world. You become more mindful of what you need to do to help make sustainability the norm and dismantle unsustainable practices. Actions are crucial, but sometimes all you need is a different perspective to understand what the future holds for you. A sustainable lifestyle has a lot to offer and can contribute to your overall well-being. That is sometimes all you need – feeling good. A game changer is to understand your potential and how your well-being connects to the natural environment and the decisions you make along the way.

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Sustainable Finance Action Plan: Doing More Good With Your Money

Sustainable Finance Action Plan: Doing More Good With Your Money

The global financial system relies on growing consumption to sustain an ever-expanding economy on a planet with finite resources. Money is not only an exchange medium to buy the things you need or want. Every time you purchase a product or service, you vote. Unfortunately, most purchasing decisions contribute to the further destruction of the environment and exploitation of people. Financial literacy is now a crucial skill for making purchase decisions that can make a difference. Use your purchasing power to do good – for you, the planet and your bank account. It is easy, I will show you how!

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Unusual Sustainability New Year’s Resolutions For 2023 You Need To Know

Unusual Sustainability New Year’s Resolutions For 2023 You Need To Know

2023 needs you. Particularly, it needs your actions to create meaningful impacts. Sustainability New Year’s resolutions serve as a focal point to make a difference. To feel empowered and imagine all the opportunities you can seize in the New Year. Sustainable principles have a bad image, but you know better. The unusual New year’s resolutions, shall help you to build a meaningful foundation to make 2023 your year. No self-improvement is needed. Sometimes all it takes to make our world a better place is to be human – compassionate and full of energy to create a future worth looking forward to.

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Do Your Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions Pass The Test? Find Out More…

Do Your Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions Pass The Test? Find Out More…

Following through with New Year’s resolutions is a rewarding feeling. When we stick to accomplishing the changes we want to see in our lives, we feel empowered, happy and invincible. Imagine we could use this power to make our world a better place. It is possible, but we need to do some pre-work that will bring us on the right path to greatness. Too often, we put a spoke in our wheel. It is not only bad for our self-esteem, but also for our planet which is in urgent need of sustainable action. Let’s prevent our resolutions from dissolving into hot air!

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Sustainable Cleaning Tips For A Clean And Eco-Friendly Home

Sustainable Cleaning Tips For A Clean And Eco-Friendly Home

Safe and natural cleaning methods benefit your health, the environment and your bank account. Eco-friendly cleaning products and methods are part of sustainable living strategies aiming at reducing the harm caused to the planet and you. Moreover, sometimes simplicity beats the chemical cocktail mix under your sink. Thus I added well-tried recipes for DIY cleaning products (all-natural and cheap) to this article. But what would a clean home be without freshness? Particularly, city apartments tend to accumulate all the outside smells. Do not worry. There are easy tips to freshen up your urban home without nasty chemicals.

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ABC Of Sustainability: The Vital Role Of Words To Change The World

ABC Of Sustainability: The Vital Role Of Words To Change The World

The alphabet is the foundation of many spoken languages. Communication is a necessary factor to understand our world better. Our choice of words determines our success or failure. The words we use reflect our knowledge, beliefs and values, thus underestimating the power of words can get us into trouble. However, trouble is what we are in considering the many challenges humankind is facing. Sustainability is associated with different terms and it is our choice if the words we use bring positive or negative results. Which words does it take to make our world a better place? Let us find out!

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